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你可能喜欢47 Ways to Love Yourself Better
We give and we love and we ask for love in return.
We wait and we hurt when the people around us don’t show up…or only show us their messy side.
And we forget.
We forget that we can give to ourselves. That we can shower ourselves with love. That we can fill ourselves up.
We forget that we need to. That others need to see us valuing ourselves. That others learn how to value us by how WE value us. That no one can love us when we feel unlovable.
My mama posted something on Facebook last week that brought tears to my eyes…
“When I was single for YEARS, I used to buy myself flowers on Valentines Day. Just because I hadn’t found my knight in shining armor yet, didn’t mean I was any less of a princess….
There’s a whole lot more to life than just being in a relationship with another person. Be in a relationship with your own LIFE. There are lots of ways to love. Spread some around….”
THIS is it! Be in a relationship with LIFE!
And dammit, let’s all starting being in a loving, committed, generous relationship with OURSELVES!
Be in a relationship with your passion, your voice, your style, your purpose, your curiosity, your kindness, your self-discovery, your growth, your experiences.
Let’s shower ourselves with the things we need, the things that light us up, so that we can SHINE and THRIVE!
Let’s spread THAT around!
ask me how to love themselves better all the time. And so with my mama’s inspiration I’m sharing some of the ways to love yourself better…
This is just SOME ideas. Use it to inspire you to find YOUR way.
47+ Ways To Love Yourself Better
Create a long list of all the things you do well and read it to yourself often.
Say only nice things about your body and the amazing things it enables you to experience in your life.
Lift your head up as you walk – and SMILE as you go!
Listen to music with a positive message of life and love (try Blessed by Brett Dennen)
Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for about Who You Are.
Every night before bed tell yourself and your body how much you appreciate it.
Stand naked in front of the mirror and make peace with the physical body that houses Who You Really Are.
List 7 reasons why your hardest challenges or worst mistakes or most unloved qualities have been a beautiful thing for you.
Then ask yourself for forgiveness for not seeing it all earlier.
Tell others what you love about you.
STOP doing exercise that doesn’t make you smile or laugh! Go roller skating or dancing or trampolining instead!
Chew your food slowly, savor each flavor and focus on the nourishment you’re offering yourself.
Allow yourself time to “do nothing”.
Give yourself time to understand that all these ways to love yourself need to be done with passion and authentic intention, and not just something you tick off a list.
Stop making excuses for what you love and just LOVE IT OUT LOUD dammit!
If you’re not feeling “good” when someone asks how you are, give yourself permission to be authentic and tell the truth (and maybe ask for some support).
Spend lots of time in meditation or prayer or stillness.
Light candles, put on sexy music and make love to your own body.
Eat when you’re hungry. Rest when you’re tired. Tell the world your needs matter by making them a priority over the dishes or the laundry.
Surround yourself with
who will remind you of Who You Are when you forget about the ways to love yourself.
Throw your head back and laugh out loud!
Two words: Body. Paint. (Bonus points if you share the photos.)
You know that one thing that looks so cool but you’ve been rattling off excuses why you can’t try it? Go do it.
Join a daily or weekly self-portrait challenge and see yourself in a new light.
so you can break the habit for good.
Give yourself permission to sob when your heart is hurting.
Write down 5 ways to love yourself each morning before you even start your day.
Celebrate your scars and stretch marks.
Commit to only using positive words to describe yourself…instead of “I don’t know how” say “I’ve yet to learn that”. “I screwed that up” becomes “I learned some really good things here.” I’m serious, try it.
Replace “have to” with “get to” and begin to see that life is always an opportunity for you to show off your prowess.
that allows your inner self to glow and rock it – no matter how wild it is!
Create a list of people you deeply admire and why. Then remember that you can only admire in others what your heart calls it’s own Truth. Stand in that Truth and be what you admire.
or “stupid” and replace it with a compassionate description of Who You Are
Buy or gather your favorite flowers, and write yourself a love note to go with it.
Make yourself a yummy meal or take yourself out to dinner to eat in the peaceful company of YOU.
Choose to be in a relationship with your life and experiences.
Schedule your own spa day and pamper yourself. Include the kids! Or the partner! Or your best girlfriends!
Practice Nonviolent Communication with yourself.
Go get a chair massage at the mall.
Let your toes loose and go outside (or even to the store) barefoot and free.
Replace one food that makes you feel bad with one yummy food that makes you feel great.
Give yourself permission to say no to the things that make you unhappy and yes to the things you’d rather do instead.
Make one small space in your home a reflection of Who You Are – ditch what you don’t love or use often, paint the walls, bring in a comfy place to sit, light your candles, pile up your journal, books and art supplies, listen to inspiring music and dwell there often.
Write yourself a love letter. And frame that bad boy. Look at it anytime you need to remember how beautiful you are.
Because, sweetheart, you’re worth all that and more.
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Hi, I’m Tara Wagner…
I'm a life coach, writer, and a lover of travel, good wine, colorful hair, and my brand new cello. I've written , showing people how to overcome the bullshit that keeps them stuck and I talk about living an incredible life. Complete with Bucket Lists that actually get finished and relationships that leave us laughing more than fighting.8 Tips to Make Your Self-Taped Audition Look Its Best | Backstage
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8 Tips to Make Your Self-Taped Audition Look Its Best
| Posted Sept. 5, 2014, 10 a.m.
Great self-taped auditions are like talking headshots. Casting directors do not get to see how you take a note or respond on video like they do in a live audition, however, they do get a better sense of your movement, sound, and type with a video recording than they can with a still image.&The first tips on how to get great self-taped audition videos involve making sure you can be seen, heard, and are the most interesting thing in your video recording.&
As with any audition, you need to do your homework and prepare. Dust off your slate and take your audition piece to your acting class to practice.&Grab some time with your acting coach.& Practice on your own, for friends, for or family. However you prepare, for good self-taped auditions it&s really important to have at least one opportunity to perform the scene in front of others who can give you valuable feedback. Additionally, for great self-taped auditions, you need to prepare to shoot, which means making sure you have recording equipment, an appropriate setting, and a line reader. You want your face and body to get all the attention in your self-taped audition video.
Recording equipment. For self-taped auditions, casting directors welcome quality recordings from any source that offers fairly accurate color, detectable sound, and decent focus.&If your phone records video, you&re probably set for recording equipment.&Not only is HD unnecessary for a good self-taped audition, HD can be sometimes unforgiving in its hyper-detail. Whatever camera equipment you&re using, do your best to maximize the quality of your audition by recording at a quiet time with enough light to get good resolution for clear sound and image.
Lighting. Be aware of the color of light you&re in as well.&If you know how to color balance, be sure to do that before you record.&If not, keep in mind that most lights affect color and fluorescent light especially will give you a greenish or grey hue.
Be aware of the light you&re shooting with.&Severe or high contrast lighting can cast hard shadows on you and overhead light can be unflattering.&If you&re in a room with overhead light, try shooting closer to an open window to add some natural light.&Placing a lamp or two nearby is another way to add &fill& or soften light to reduce stark shadows and keep the attention on you.
Wardrobe. Just like with getting good headshots, you want to make
and setting decisions that keep the attention on you in a positive way.&Select simple wardrobe avoiding logos, busy patterns, white, and black (Black is a great fashion basic, but for headshots or auditions, black can create a distracting &floating head& effect, especially if your background is also dark.)&Our eyes are naturally drawn to the brightest part of an image.&You want casting directors looking at your face and eyes instead of your bright white shirt or bright white background.
Setting. Casting wants to see you in your self-taped audition videos, so don&t waste a second on creating a set or setting to fit the scene.&However, do make sure your camera isn&t catching a bunch of distractions. Good self-taped auditions have simple, plain backgrounds.&Hanging a colored sheet behind you is better for your self-taped audition than shooting with a cluttered or distracting background.
Frame. The &frame& is what the camera sees and where it cuts you off.&Unless otherwise instructed for the audition, keep your frame medium to close-up, closing on your head and shoulders.&Your line reader should be off-camera and not seen at all.&Even if someone is running the camera for you, keep the shot simple, set the frame, and leave it there or allow for one gentle push-in to get a little closer as the scene progresses.&Remember, you want the casting director paying attention to you and your performance, not what the camera is doing.
Performance. Just like in a live audition, unless directed to do so, don&t address the camera directly. Also called &breaking the fourth wall,& looking into camera can distract from your performance.&Pick a focal point just off-camera.&Since you&re shooting yourself, you can even place a sticker on the camera a smidgen to the left or right to keep your focus out of the lens.
Reader. Unless your self-taped audition is a monologue, you&ll need someone to read the other lines in the scene.&It&s a good idea if that Reader knows what he or she is doing, so consider asking your acting coach or a fellow actor to be your reader.&A good reader acts enough in a scene to prompt your performance but in a muted way to keep the viewer&s attention on you.
Test run. Shoot a quick test and watch it back reviewing all seven tips: recording equipment, lighting, wardrobe, setting, frame, performance, and reader.&Make sure you can easily see and hear yourself clearly on the recording.&It&s helpful if your reader can play double duty by starting and stopping the recording and checking your frame.
Now you&re ready to shoot!&Do your best, follow the submission instructions to the letter, and keep your competitive edge with these simple steps for great self-taped audition videos!
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&is an acting teacher and Backstage Expert. For more information, check out Ross&&!
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| 23 SharesHow often do you have a really strong gut instinct and it proves to be wrong? How often do you override that instinct and then kick yourself later on? My guess would be that if you&re anything like the people that come to me for life coaching the answers are hardly ever and always. Everybody knows intuitively that they have solid instincts. I have never met anybody either professionally or socially that says. &My gut feeling is terrible, I&m always getting in a mess by listening to myself, what can I do about it?& How weird is that? It seems to me it&s a universal truth.Although at this point I have to confess I only know a small percentage of people when we look at it from a global perspective. In fact, we are probably talking about 0.000005% so statistically speaking it&s about as accurate as a blind baseball pitcher with Meniere&s disease.Having said that, I&m prepared to bet that you don&t disagree with me. In fact, I&ll go as far to say that if you can honestly say you believe your gut instinct lets you down on a regular basis, drop me an e-mail and I&ll mail you a copy of my book with instructions on how to operate it, because you&re going to need them.The conscious human mind can only deal with 7 + or & 2 pieces of information at once. Until you read this sentence you almost certainly aren&t aware of your left foot. But hey, presto, now you are! Way to go on shifting your awareness like a Zen Master. If you lost your foot in a freak fairground accident last week I apologize for my lack of tact. I hope you can forgive me and please accept my best wishes for a speedy recovery hoppy.The fact is, you have to constantly delete information from your conscious mind, otherwise you&d go into sensory overload. Try and do it now if you have any doubt. Place your awareness in your right hand, now your left hand too. Now move to your feet and remain aware of your hands. Easy? Maybe, but that&s still only 4, so try thinking about what your lower back feels like without letting your attention move from your hands. By now you will be starting to struggle, but if you&re not keep going and you soon will be.Think of your conscious mind as being like the RAM on your computer. It does lots of good stuff and it&s nice to have around and all that, but hey c&mon, it&s no hard drive! That is like the difference between your conscious and unconscious mind.Your unconscious mind can do lots of stuff easily without you ever having to intervene. I presume your heart is beating, your food is being digested, and you do not have to remember to blink your eyes or maintain your blood pressure, right? If not you maybe dead, so stop reading now and call for an ambulance and/or an undertaker.What happens when you get a strong gut feeling is that your unconscious mind is trying to tell you what it thinks in the only way it knows how, with feelings. It can&t talk to you because it&s unconscious, hence the rather obvious name. It has done lots of calculations, looked at all the permutations, given it serious consideration and is now shouting &Whoa there big fella, it aint a great idea to poke that skunk with a stick& Of course the &shout& can manifest itself in any number of ways. You may get sweaty palms, a nauseous feeling or just a sense of something not being quite right.So what do most people do when they get a strong gut feeling?That&s right, they override it. Because it doesn&t make logical sense on the surface, skunk poking notwithstanding, it tends to get dismissed.& A feeling is just that, a feeling, it can be hard to put into words. When we can&t explain logically why we think something is a bad or even for that matter a good idea, we can tend to either ignore it completely or use faulty logic to dismiss it out of hand.Some people (kinesthetics) find to very easy to tune into their feelings, but truly kinesthetic people account for less than 15% of the population. If you&re not one of the lucky few then you&ll have to pay extra special attention. Tune in to your body more often and start to recognize the patterns an when it&s trying to tell you something.If your unconscious is saying don&t take that job, go on that date, poke that skunk & take heed. It knows what it&s talking about and it has your best interests at heart. The alternative it to disregard it as some weird nebulous feeling that&s come out of nowhere and almost certainly live to regret it.Love this article?
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