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Love Poems
Love Poems
is sometimes hard to express.&Love Poems are
write.....until now that is.
Our team of My Word Wizard
poets has crafted a collection of
love poems that explores love
elation, beginnings, endings, pain, regret,
loss and renewal and so much more.
and the emotions it evokes will always be an essential, if ubiquitous
part of living. Not easily defined and less easily found, when it comes
our way we must embrace it for as long as we can.
Through the
words of our writers, we hope you find inspiration to express
just&how deeply you
care about the special person in your life.
Find the Perfect Love Poem for Every Occasion
Click below to explore our selection of poetry.
: This collection of poems is the perfect way to say I
love you on that special someone's birthday. Find the perfect birthday
poem here.
: Whether your heart is breaking, or you're the
one moving on, we have just the right words to help you express that
empty feeling that accompanies a break up.
Sometimes emotions becomes so intense that they cross the line into
obsession. This type of dynamic is often one sided and may be signified
by unrequited feelings. We think you will enjoy exploring these poems
by the writers at My Word Wizard.
:&&These romantic love poems
for anyone who wants
to express the depth of their love with the perfect collection of
: You've got attitude and a gangsta style.
&Let our wordsmiths bring out your romantic side with a poem
from our amazing collection.
: A gangster's got feelings beneath that tough
exterior. Let them know your feelin' it with a sad&poem
especially for gangsters in love.
: Contemporary Japanese poetry is deeply sensuous,
tinged with eroticism and flowing in drama. We think you will
absolutely adore the work of Japanese poet Daichi Matsui, as he
explores the genre of love in this spectacular collection of love poems.
A broken romance can be a devastating experience. Along with shattered
hopes, there is a sense of loss and bereavement. Even betrayal. The
writers at My Word Wizard have all been there. In examining their own
painful encounters with love, they offer some heartfelt verses in this
touching collection of love poems.&
Whether you a thug smitten by cupid's arrow, or you a shortie be luvin'
a homie, you will find just the right words to tell yo boo&how
feel in this wonderful urban collection from My Word Wizard.
: Lovin' in the hood is the real deal.
With all you got goin' on, leave time to tell
your boo how you feel with a poem from our&collection.
: If you have deep feelings for her, let her know. The
contributors at My Word Wizard have put together a powerful collection
of thoughts that will inspire you to let her know just how much you care.
: Want to say it in a way that will go straight to his
heart. Then our poems that express your love for him are right on the
: Our My Word Wizard contributors provide an amazing
collection of sentiments that will inspire you to tell him just how you
: Poetry and Valentine' who can
think of a better day to express the way you feel with&a poem.
Sometimes it doesn't take many words to express how you feel. If you
are a person of big feelings, and few words, check out this
collection of short cute love poems.
: See our collection of short, humorous
poems that will not only express
your love, but are guaranteed to make anyone smile...maybe even laugh.
: Rhyming, poetry and love all go hand in
hand. Here are some of our favorite short rhyming poems.
You are a person of few words, with a huge heart. Express&your
bring your&romantic feelings to the surface&with one
of our shorter
: It takes a special chemistry to bring two people
together. Say it in words with a "Why I love You Poem" from our
special collection.
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What Other Visitors Have Said
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&The feelings flow and the electricity crackles, but the timing's not right and I know you have too go.
But that's OK because I know we will be together &
&Baby amazing that you are! The very first time we met I had that feeling ...I Just knew that there was something special about you... Now I see special &
&Is love madness,
Or madness is love...?
Love makes one crazy..
Or going crazy the start of love...?
Love makes one caring...
is aring for others &
&The sky is always blue,
The grass always green,
and the love that I have
inside for you is always
So babe please take my
hand and walk with &
&Maybe I do,
Maybe I don't,
You don't know me
But I might know you.
Is it love?
Is it hate?
No! Wait maybe it's a little &
love is a new feeling that makes your heart warm
love is a feeling that you cant really explain
love is about how you feel towards somebody &
When you pass me in the hall,
The butterflies burst out of me,
Every time,
My breath is taken away,
I never knew what true love was like,
&~Derz not 1 day i can go wit out u telling me u luv me.
Derz not 1 hour i can be wit out txting u...
Derz not 1 minute i can be w/ out being with u
&I was looking at the sand
Looking at the sunset at hand
Sad, sad and solemn
All that's left is the reminiscing
What happened?
What makes you change &
&You are the Moon in My Sky...
You are the Sun in My World....
You are the word in My Sentance...
You are the Colour in My Dreams...
&Ah my love don't go away don't leave me
my fragile heart beats in time with yours
a single minute without you is a lifetime
do not go away not even &
&Here is a poem about saying I'm sorry
About the faith I have in you
My conscience had a talk with me about my jealousy
She (my conscience) should know &
&Have you ever felt like
all you had was gone?
That your heart was broken,
and you could not go on?
Have you ever really
wanted to live?
&I sit and think of you
I'm missing you
my feelings are so complicated
I know I shouldn't love you but I cant help it
I have no control over what &
We've lived and loved together now
For nigh on twenty years
Many's the smile that passed between
So perhaps have tears
While we look and wonder &
&Feelings seeped from the fibers of his words
varnishing her self-esteem with allure
from savored expressions never before heard
engorged euphoria, &
&I stare deep into your eyes,
As though I've never seen you,
That was the day we met,
The day my life took a new turn,
We shook hands,
You hardly new &
Every night when I lay in bed,
my mind goes racing with thoughts I dread.
I think of the times we had as one,
it reminds me of all our beautiful fun. &
&Play your songs…take this
heart on a new rendezvous..
take all my sadness away…in large clumps..
make me reach the stars…but keep my feet on the &
&Waking up next to you each day,
sharing everything our easy way. i
love , need and want you so much,
feeling your skin so hot your
gentle touch. my &
I saw him across the road
Waiting to cross,the car filled road
The cars freeze and he crosses coming
straight towards me
My heart rate became &
&Fallen silken roses -
once full, of life’s supposes -
of how, our dreams should be.
If it so, that I could fly on wings
of silken sonnets, all discontent, &
&Fingers laced, eyes sparkling out a sacred rhythm in sunbeams.
Deafening smile & oaths made in secret.
Promises of the moon in silver.
&When did my feelings get so deep
Why did they take that big long leap
Going from friend to crush
What a rush
And I don't think she knows
&My boyfriend is by my side all the time!
We've had our ups and downs,
but we love each other!
Without him I would not be
as happy and joyful like &
IN MY LIFE i have a friend,
Rya is my best friend's name.
She's like a clown always making people laugh.
Sometimes she can be a real mess,
&Love is your perfect smile
Love is your laughter, true
Love is the way you're nervous
When I say I love you.
Love is the way you dream at night
&I want to say I love you
But I'm so afraid you'll laugh
And if you laughed
When I told you
It would break my heart in half
&I hear the shatter as my heart breaks,
I only feel the pain it makes.
I find myself crying,
inside slowly dying.
Your words slowly repeating in &
Being around you is more than my eyes can bare
cuz itz crazy how i am wanting you more and more
but i know there could never be a future for you and &
I love your blue eyes,
I love the way you are always here whenever I need you.
I love how Every morning I wake up happy knowing that your are still &
I want to tell him,
But he has a girlfriend.
His eyes, so gorgeous with the lights dimmed,
His face added to that, makes a wonderful blend.
Everything &
I am your carbon monoxide
In this thick blood love lake
You are my haemoglobin.
As many Oxygen try to have their way
Binding to your &
heart broken
or broken heart
an empty ending
a shattered start
my love is a void
my heart is empty
and so is my soul
Love is not anything you can hold in your hand. Only in your
heart can you hold something as strong as love.
Love is like a roller coaster &
When you love someone who doesn't love you back
When you've given so much of yourself
-mind, body, and soul-
and that person could care less
&From Beethoven to Garner,
From Elton John to Bach,
A keyboard was needed
For symphonies or rock.
The king of the instruments
Is my cup of tea, &
&There’s a somebody comin’ who I used to know,
She was somewhere
sunnin’ while I dug in snow.
Florida baby comin’ up from the south,
I love the sweet &
Can time be measured?
When the hours with you
Are but seconds treasured &
&You are my soul-mate
My sweetheart,
You are my dream come true,
from now until the end of time
I give my heart and soul to you.
&One young boy and one stupid girl,
Fallen in love?
They were for sure.
One young boy and one stupid girl,
not very mature.
&Drifting oceanic through starlet sirens
past and present
I'm completely drawn
to your soul's royal magnificence
Constant realities
no longer &
smile is shown
a wonderful smile
that has never been seen before
a smile that could have only
been sent from the heavens above
a smile so &
&From the moment we spoke my guarded heart was broken
in a sense of relief not pain you broke down
every wall, barrier, thanks for releasing my soul &
&~Your love
feels like the sun
evolving within me
shining straight through my heart..
melting away my soul
with only an silhouette
left in the shadows... &
&These feelings I have for you are speechless,
speechless, for they could never be spoken
My lips refuse to speak a word
My Heart needs someone to Love, &
&In the evergreen of midnight
I find you waiting.
A naked rhapsody lying
Your smile beckons me like opium
to a lover’s addiction. &
&Destructive Love
All begins with a bought diamond
The proposal
Then the wedding planners
The wedding begins
The first &
&The Ice-Queen cometh and writ upon her crown
were names of men whose hearts she's seized and crushed into the ground.
The Ice-Queen Cometh and hung &
&You are my earth.
I was an alien in search
of some new life:
sane life.
then i became to know you--
Only to grow to like you.
The more &
&“In your absence,
My heart grows stronger.
In your presence,
I fall in love again”
&My Love for You is more than just an emotion, I'll do my best to keep Y I want to be Your Angel sent from Heaven, the best friend You can &
&Be not afraid
Of all that life befell you.
Let not the horror
Of existence
Destroy all.
As it may,
But all ways,
Let the color shine
breathless beneath the passionate eyes of your
intimate love face
intoxicated by the magic sweet taste of your enchanting aura
all of your &
&She crept through the open window
While he was peacefully sleeping
And watched him for awhile.
A smile played on her lips
Of cherry. Golden honey hair, &
&when one loves another,
the two get together
as the years pass by
nobody could deny
that they were meant for eachother
for the couple thinks,
&We are like two trees
We never meet, we never greet,
But deep down under the surface
Beyond the eyes of this world
Our Roots &
&I can’t be lost and can’t be found,
I’m in the a I’m very loud with-out a sound.
I’m everywhere yet can’t be seen, I’m where you’re &
&When I look into your eyes,
I see a thousand stars in the sky.
You're the smile on my face,
My dreams and my hope.
When you hold me in your arms, &
&My hands grow numb, they cannot feel.
My eyes grow dim, can't tell what's real.
My senses die, now what's the deal.
All I can smell is hate and &
&Would you just listen and please don't say a word, just yet,
I'd like you to think back to the very first time we met,
How you felt around me? The memories &
&Love is laughter
seldom tears
Share and caring
through the years
Love is more
than words express
But mostly love is happiness.
&The way your eyes sparkle for her is easy to see,
but can't you see it's the same when you see me?
You leave me at the bottom with the pain blinding, &
&Why does love seem like a moment?
That we can’t embrace
But we hold onto like a payment
That we wish we could erase
What if we made no mistakes? &
&You’re a mad, sexy, precocious yin, an enticing psychotropic spin.
I’m a crazy catalytic yang, a supernova rainbow twang.
We twist and shout and scream &
&When you wake up, I will be your eyes
To make you see the world, you have never realized
When you walk, I will be your feet
To make you cross the hurdles &
&Not rated yetInside a cell on the sea of hidden pain,
a laborious kind of celebration
A birthing awaits...
laborious pain more frequent and unmatched in &
&Not rated yetAn Old Love Viewed
By Candlelight
That flicker finds the corner of my eye.
A golden glow that brightens up this place
then hurries, scurries through &
&Not rated yetPeople Always assume they know love
But I know if I were to invite them into
Our lives just for a minute!
They'd be surprised at the real beauty of &
&Not rated yetTo catch a fever tonight
Means you're BURNING with
Desire for me, ignite the fire
Within incite admire the blend.
&Not rated yetTo catch a fever tonight
Means you're burning with
Desire for me, incite DESIRE within.
Recite, admire the blend
&Not rated yetThe passion of love can only be found in that true someone,
they've got love wrapped up, it can never be undone.
It makes no sense to rush,
&Not rated yetYou are very beautiful and always will be.
All I want in my life is you.
Words cannot describe how beautiful you are
your smile, your body, your &
&Not rated yetOn this day I will haunt you like a ghost
Until you fall for my toast
In the wilderness amidst the frost
I will make you reach the top of my feast &
&Not rated yetFear not my dear friend that I’ll reveal
The pleasures of you that I now feel.
No eye shall see, nor anyone descry
When I catch sight of you my sigh. &
&Not rated yetLove is like a piece of silk,
Delicate and fragile.
Through thick and thin it holds its own.
You can see right through it
Or get lost in its complexity. &
&Not rated yet
Always in my heart there is one,
One name, one face, one heart,
Next to mine forever beating,
Together making sweet music,
Beating side by side, &
&Not rated yetAnd these memories will begIn to wash out
they Were fine at fIrst
but you couldn't touch them,
smell them, or hold them.
they were never exactly aS &
&Not rated yetMy sweet chocolate you are very beautiful in such a way that the angels cry.
You give me wings to fly like a dove,
your skin is smooth like ice-cream &
&Not rated yetThere is an end to every road
There is an end to every word
There is an end to every man
There is an end to every song
There is an end to every &
&Not rated yetLove myself,I think im grand
Ill sit in the park and hold my hand
when i grow up ill marry me
and some how have a family
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo &
&Not rated yetTo the one I love, the one I adore, My only goal in life, the one I live for.
love to be with you, I I'm so glad I'm the one you found. &
&Not rated yet"Love is beautiful, although it can be painful.The distance betweeen two people who can't be together not by choice. It's heartbreaking and not fair to &
&Not rated yetThoughts of you ..... They never leave my mind ... I am always thinking of you all of the time ...Even when there are important things to get done...You're &
&Not rated yet
you are my One & Only ....Nobody else could ever compare to you ... Not &
&Not rated yetMy heart is willing to fight and to keep trying
Turned down before but I’m not buying
It’ll be different next time, just wait and see
Someday soon he &
&Not rated yetIn a dream
every mill
stood still
as I watched with grace
your every pace.
But suddenly... the wind blew
....the birds flew
and you knew
&Not rated yetMy wife was of noble character
Worth more than rubies, a treasure
Brought me good, never harm
Constantly radiating charm.
Set about her work vigorously &
&Not rated yetMiss me, but let me go
We've known lots of pleasure,
At times endured pain,
But now we're separated
Set me free from your spell
you don’t want me &
&Not rated yetI miss us as I remember how it used to be...
when nothing else matter but you and me.
I remember how it used to be
when nothing else mattered but &
&Not rated yetI love you like I love to read, makes me feel alive.
I love you like I love the rain, its lustful calm embrace.
I love you like I love the thrill &
&Not rated yetI lay in my bed and think about you
I love you so much I don't know what to do
I feel your warmth at my side
The pain in my heart moves to my eyes
&Not rated yetI loved you
I really thought I did
I was listening around and I heard you got feelings for the kid
Baby come here, let me hold you, caress you, and &
&Not rated yetOne fine day after 23 yrs. I took a chance
When you called, I guess I jumped into romance
Noticing you from across the table at a glance
Your beautiful &
&Not rated yetHere I am near this lonely bed, your soft whispered sleep echos Through my head...
Never so empty has this room felt, my hard exterior has started &
&Not rated yetIntricate reminiscence
concealed, cloaked and disguised
for one quarter of one hundred years
Surreptitiously submerged inside.
Sentinel soldiers standing &
&Not rated yetLove Is...
The smell of coffee in the morning,
When the person who made it had less sleep than you.
Love Is...
Making love in the morning & kissing, &
&Not rated yet
Below is your poem as it will look when posted.
Scroll down to make any changes, or click the "Post" button to submit.
Just a word &
&Not rated yetI promise
to be with you in all the
ups and downs of your life
in love, in sorrow
in joy, in pain
in your beautiful dreams and in your nightmares &
&Not rated yetAmerica I love you
Love you love you true
As I do God and Jesus
One for all, all for us.
Red stripes remind me of
Stripes Jesus bore for us
&Not rated yetJust tonight I met you
Just tonight I saw you
We danced by the fire
You just took me higher
When we kissed I felt it
From my hair to my feet
&Not rated yetHe is the living God
the eternal King'
When He is angry
the earth trembles.
endure His wrath
He made the earth
by His Power.
He founded &
&Not rated yet My Friend
I met this man late in my life,
who lives in world that has no light
&Not rated yetAs I lie in my bed,
Your name running through my head.
All I can think of is you
And all that you do.
The way you look at me.
I feel as if I’m in &
&Not rated yetI could fall in love with you
Fall in love with you
You are irresistible
Your smile makes my day
In each and every way
Makes me want &
&Not rated yetWe met in school.
I said I loved you,
you never replied.
I told you I cared,
you just walked away.
I said I was scared to leave you,
&Not rated yetI will always be there
by your side
for better
in the lightest hour
in the darkest hour
in the tranquil calm
in the raging storm &
&Not rated yetI'm scared I'm very afraid to give my heart to be torn apart I'm scared I'm very afraid to love you to give to want you to have you to hear it again to &
&Not rated yeti love him.
but i can't tell him 'cause.
he'll leave if he knows.
he'll put me through hell
if he leaves.
i know i love. him
my family wants me to &
&Not rated yetAlone 'n sad as i sit
No where to go no one to fight with
Alone 'n sad it's not much fun I wish I had just one
Just one friend n u would see &
&Not rated yetWhen I wake in the morning,
The sun is shinning,
The birds are singing,
My face is smiling,
Is this love?
You cheer me up
When I am sad.
&Not rated yetYou cannot define love
Even if you confer
with Webster's dictionary,
It is not that easy
To define love.
Love is all sorts of things.
It has different &
&Not rated yetYour Love
feels like the sun
evolving within me
shining straight through my heart...
melting away my soul
with only a silhouette
left in the shadows... &
&Not rated yetWherever I go,
Whatever I do,
A woman of your kind,
Always on my mind.
I love you,
I always love you,
Simple words I do admit
Yet full of energy &
&Not rated yetThere are many reasons I love you
this is true
but the main reason I love you
is because you are you!
&Not rated yetI give my love freely to you
for all the special things you do.
Our hearts sing like a symphony,
stringed musical instruments in harmony,
playing melodically &
&Not rated yetWhen you walk past me my heart skips a beat,
When you say "Hi" I can't breath.
What is this feeling?
When you talk to me my words get caught in my throat, &
&Not rated yetI create the perfect love
It is all in my head at this time
Then you walk into my life
And together, we begin the climb
Your smile makes me smile &
&Not rated yetI love you, you are my shining star
you are the one and only love
you come when I need you
you hold my hand when I am scared
you are the light when &
&Not rated yet"Lovely"
spoken from your lips,
Began an adventure,
then a quest.
To own your kiss...
And thus possess ...
&Not rated yetwhen nobody is on my side.
when nobody listens my words.
at that time will you be by my side?
say to me" i am with you dear"
when nobody loves me. &
&Not rated yethe is my heart
a special part
my delicious tart ...
i wish he will love me too
because without him there is nothing i can do
being his best &
&Not rated yetI think I'm kind of a stalker
I watch you whenever I can
But I'm not one of your kind
I'm from a different clan
I think I'm kind of a nerd
&Not rated yet
Yet again my pillow was wet,I must have cried in the night,
I closed my eye's and saw your face, such a beautiful sight,
But my bed is cold no arms &
&Not rated yetHello my love, the breeze it seems to say,
Whispering I love you, every single day ,
I can almost imagine, you are still by my side,
But then reality &
&Not rated yetLove is your sweet voice captivating my ears
Love is watching you smile and having nothing to fear.
Love is the way you jumped in my arms after work &
&Not rated yetI am like wind,
sometimes gentle,
sometimes harsh,
but always
around you...
&Not rated yetwhat should i show or what should i hide
there r many feelings
and i dnt know
how to show them
how to hide them
i love u so much
bt i dnt know
&Not rated yetdo u know what i do when i miss u?
i look at ur pics
i read our chat
i search words for u
i think of u
i search for u
then i find u in me
&Not rated yetWandering in Love
It is like a wonderful soaring dove
If only I could see you smile
It would just be worthwhile!
I know our love is never a &
&Not rated yetTo: Sofia R.Rivas... From:Mommy and Daddy......
It's hard to say the day you were born..Nothing will ever be the same..It's just so hard to believe &
&Not rated yetYou are my love
you are my shame
you blind me it's needless to say
stop looking me in the eye
you stare, it tears, it rips it breaks
&Not rated yet
I'll always be better than your ex and better than your next no matter
The fights &
&Not rated yetMissing You
You are alive in my dreams, my Love,
Even now, eighteen years after that last
Brief kiss on your lifeless lips.
I feel your presence &
&Not rated yetWhen I think of you,
I think of me.
We're very much closer,
Than 'just friends' would be.
I've loved you forever,
I know it's true,
For there'd &
&Not rated yetYou leave me breathless when you walk in the room
When I see your face I don't know what to do.
Silent when you're around
Lonely when you're away.
&Not rated yetLean on me
The screen is so bright and brilliant
The sounds resonate through the entire theater
Take my hand
Dust swirls in the air
Stand up with &
&Not rated yetYou were my sweetheart and that is true
A sacred love and many memories with you.
I've been so sad and hurt in many ways,
But why are you leaving me &
&Not rated yetYOU ARE THERE
&Not rated yetIn life we go through changes
And have times of need
Even when you're ugly
I will still give you my love
Even if you resent me
I will still give &
&Not rated yetOur hearts twined
And we know it....
She loves me, she loves me not
she loves me.
The feeling I get with every smile and every hello.
Every finger &
&Not rated yetThere is a house at the end of the lane
Where country folks are much the same
Their bounty of projects are nurtured to grow
Abundance of ideas feed &
&Not rated yetWe sit side-by-side
Gazing out at the river
A gust of wind gusts by
And I shiver
We lean into each other
As the sun sets behind us
Nobody walks &
&Not rated yetOne day i was thinking what's so special about him,
until all the seniors and juniors like him....
2nd day, I watch him, and knew
he was my classmate &
&Not rated yet3 Poems:
Forgetting about you
would be harder then leaving you
but something is different, we've grown apart
but now that what has happened between &
&Not rated yetThe night we met, you looked so beautiful
that I fell in love.
I felt like leaving
for I sensed the danger in wanting you.
Slowly I walked toward &
&Not rated yetEyes set a gaze
upon true nature's blessing
Your eyes the entrapment of
The caressing touch
Cheek to cheek
The hourglass stops
As lips quietly &
&Not rated yet
All the promises that you shattered
the pieces of my heart lay scattered
all around my messy room
You took our love, tore it in two
&Not rated yetIf tomorrow my life were finished,
With many fun things left to do,
It wouldn't matter at all,
Because,my love,I had you.
&Not rated yetYou are my friend,
you are my love,
you always tend to my needs
as beautiful as a Dove,
you the one I look too.
those brown eyes
make me feel &
&Not rated yet
Drown deeply in starry sparkling eyes
Bathe soothingly in the sea of romance
Float smoothly on curving water waves
Disappear the blues in aquamarine &
&Not rated yet
It's because of you,
that I'm no longer,
afraid to smile,
It's because of you,
That I come to school,
That I'm still alive,
You're the reason, &
&Not rated yet
You leave on vacation,
And the night before,
I am already missing your voice,
Your smile,
Your prescience,
I miss you,
You're only gone for a week, &
&Not rated yet
You have a smile,
that I love,
I try not to giggle,
when you fall,
you teach me things,
without even knowing,
you make me whole,
without even &
&Not rated yet
Love is him...
Love is her
Sharing their love
Throughout the year...
In the day
In the night
Sharing their love
They will UNITE...
&Not rated yetI gave you my all
Loved you for everything
even your flaws
You asked for a break, space,
and some time to think
My mind goes blank with nothing &
&Not rated yetWords are not enough
to express my love for you
These words will just not do.
I hope these words will do enough
Though they do not compare to you. &
&Not rated yetAge is jus a number
but I cant help but wonder
wat if it would be if u and me
could be together for all eternity
I may be a Gee
but I got a heart &
&Not rated yetLove, Love, Love
It is all around,
we see and say it every day.
And yet we fail to realize
what love can really do.
Love is great love,
&Not rated yetI cant compete with you
no matter how hard I try
He can't get over you
no matter how much I give
You still own his heart
even if you're a thousand &
&Not rated yet
&Not rated yetLaying in the myriad of mystique,
the expansive flocking plains forbidden !
True to the nature in abundance
lay a solitude of passions unfurled ! &
&Not rated yetLove Is a word used everywhere,
You will find It here,
You will find It there.
Some people like It, But others don't care,
But to find a true love, &
&Not rated yet
&Not rated yet
I like him so much
He has no clue
Or maybe he does
I watch him everyday
He already has her
Why would he need me?
My friends all I cool
&Not rated yet
He is such a sweet boy
He has her
I like him so much
But he has her
I find excuses to sit at his side
He has her
I like him a lot
But he has &
&Not rated yet
Today I am with you, and only you
I need to be here, only with you
I need to breathe next to your breath
I will stand right there
never letting go &
&Not rated yet
Maybe I'm wrong,
maybe I'm over thinking things that come to mind.
maybe there's more to life than just getting high.
maybe being in love is a trip &
&Not rated yetWhen my love for you is real
I can feel it in my heart
When I see you around
And you have a smile on your face
I warm up knowing that smile is meant &
&Not rated yetMy love, My love
We are like a hand that fits inside a glove
Our motions move up and down
The beats of our hearts start to pound
My love, My love
&Not rated yetI'm in love with a boy
who, reminds me why I'm
falling in love with him
everyday.. Every time I see him
I see myself..My clone is everything
&Not rated yetWe met that blissful day in May
When first your hand touched mine
I was lost in love to look at you
Your tranquil face filled with beauty
A myriad &
&Not rated yetYou are so special,
so special to me,
if I hadn't met you,
who would I be.
You treat me so well
and you treat me so nice,
you are the best &
&Not rated yetMy arms are very lonely for you and my heart
aches to be close to you
You come to me in my dreams and I see your face
looking down at me
&Not rated yetI hope for it to be
I feel for it to be
But past insecurities get a hold of me
I feel the pull
I feel our passion
I hope unspoken words are true
&Not rated yetHer love is like the ocean-
So deep and so true,
Her love is like a kiss-
So gentle and vibrant,
Her love is like a blanket-
So secure and warm,
&Not rated yetIt's been months,
Since I've seen your smile.
Since I've gazed into
Those eyes that could only represent
Dark tunnels,
And windows to the soul. &
&Not rated yet
Roses are red
violets are blue
carnations are sweet
and so are you.
And so is that someone, who sent you this
when we meet we'll have a kiss. &
&Not rated yetMy heart beats a million times a minute
My mind races a million more
feelings I am getting remain more and more
There's not a day that goes by &
&Not rated yetI am a flower,
I am liked by every lover,
when touched then dead,
I am a flower,
for every lover,
I am given to every girl,
&Not rated yetMy heart, my love, was yours to keep
But yet you, my love, decided to cheat.
your words were lies, and lead me to weep
When I learned that you never &
&Not rated yet
I want to safely say that
I love you for you.
Not what you try to be.
I want you to agree that you
Love me for my Ever-lasting laugh
And Never-fading &
&Not rated yetI still love you because
You make me smile
And when I look at you
I see something that I don't see
In anybody else
and I sit there and think &
&Not rated yetRoses are red
Violets are blue
love never dies
when I'm around you.
You fill my heart with care
And I know you really do
I will love you for &
&Not rated yetHis words raced through me when he said hello.
And when he said "what is your name"?
I froze and finally said "Jariah".
It was like we fell in love &
&Not rated yetYour beauty is like a sunset on an ocean shore.
Your beauty is what I want and so much more.
Your eyes twinkle like the stars in the midnight sky. &
&Not rated yetI love you for giving your heart to me
and trusting me with your pride
I love you for wanting me
and needing me by your side
I love you for the emotions &
&Not rated yetWhen I looked in the mirror
all I saw were tears
I wanted to scream
I was a total wreck
you put me though hell
I keep crying
my weakness is that &
&Not rated yet
Flowers are Many,But Rose is Special
Stars are Many, But Sun is Special
Planets are Many, But Earth is Special
Friends are Many, But You are Special......... &
&Not rated yetBecause of you I've never felt this way
Because of you .. you made who I am today
Because of you I will love a heart like mine
that's sweet and listens &
&Not rated yetI look at him.
He looks back.
His eyes are so kind.
I feel so safe in his arms.
when he Kisses me it is breathtaking.
When he hugs me I feel so safe &
&Not rated yet
I think of u all the time
The whole world stands up when you smile
I would die without you
Without you the world turns black and blue
I am afraid &
&Not rated yet
Buffy like a bull
cute like a puppy
wait for me halfways
cause I'll be there waiting
my darling
&Not rated yetI see your face,
I see it smiling,
your smile lights up the whole world,
brightening even the darkest of days.
I can't stay angry at you for ten &
&Not rated yet3 Of The 3rd, In 20 + 10 and 2
Dust of hues imagined
Amidst deceding ray
Falling on high infusion
Nuancing circle shadows
Thereby it’s reaching &
&Not rated yetTaste your soul on mine
where evil has no part
so these hearts find a way to be
each other’s
tender cobwebs of you
&Not rated yetSo I love this dude his name is Deandre,
he's born and raise from a little in Atlanta.
He's very tall and sexy and got his little country slang. &
&Not rated yetN the walls not only have ears,
they too bear Eyes, watching our every move.
Unhaunted, yet voices are heard and stories are told of &
&Not rated yet
Ecstasy at its peak is my feeling for Her
a walk enriched with sexiness
Appearance of Beauty is all my Eyes seek to see
my Heart cries of orgasmatic &
&Not rated yetLove me as you love no one else
You make me cry
then you give me your shoulder to cry on
You tell me I am pretty
when I wait for you to tell me &
&Not rated yetTo my grandfather,
Growing up you were always there
each and every day showing me that you cared.
Spoiling me every chance that you had,
&Not rated yetThe first time i looked into your eyes
the world stood still, lost in time
neither of us knew why
just knew love was ours to try
our hearts were &
&Not rated yetA crisp sunny day in February by the seaside,
Fireworks of happiness have begun to collide.
My mind is playing a soundtrack of beauty,
Waves of music &
&Not rated yet
Like a root in the ground,
White clouds up in the blue,
Like the heat to an ember,
Like paper sticks to glue.
Like nails in a board,
Salty water &
&Not rated yet
A great day gone
Spent in your arms
The sun slowly sets
And out come the stars
When you drive away
My heart goes along
It knows on its own
&Not rated yetSomething clown-like
But never laced with tears.
Something initially terrifying
But always settled without realising
An repeated groove
On a record &
&Not rated yetEvery time I see you my heart skips a beat
it jumps so hard you can even see.
I hope we can be together for a long time
because I love when you tell &
&Not rated yetI've Been here for awhile
with tears in my eyes you
come with an intinted smile
you hug me and say everything
is alright while I am busy
falling in &
&Not rated yetwould you tell the world to go f--k themselves?
would you save a life?
would you kiss a younger lover?
would you do something out of the ordinary, something &
&Not rated yetThough the heart is very strong
It seems fragile and gentle
When it comes to a love song
Love is as wondrous as the morning sun &
&Not rated yetIn every sunrise
every mountain
every rainbow, every
I'm loving you, I know you're
yet I'm not sure where you are
&Not rated yet
Over the years
We've grown strong
You've helped me understand
That life goes on
You gave me your hand &
&Not rated yetI've made a promise only to you
to be strong, faithful, and even true.
I promise to love you day by day
Without ever taking one second away.
You mean &
&Not rated yetThere are many different ways,
I am showing you,
Every day.
Why can’t you see them?
I honestly do not know.
It’s like your brain is condemned.
&Not rated yet
I felt so safe under your arms that when you let me go,
I was a bird that lost it's wings,
And you don't realize that the love I feel for &
&Not rated yet
You and I dance through the wind,
Singing along to the lovely radio tune.
Us, holding each other, un-sinned.
We should get going soon,
But we just &
&Not rated yetI'd split up with mine,
She with Hers.
Her boyfriend had been a pig,
Mine, a shrew that I could not tame.
United by pain,
Over our separate break-ups, &
&Not rated yet
Crawling round the inside of my mind behind my eyes,
A new, unusual idea formed, the shape of which belied,
The empty place it came from, the enormous &
&Not rated yet
A heart is not a play thing,
A heart is not a toy.
But if you want it broken,
Just give it to a boy.
Boys, they like to play with things,
&Not rated yet
This lie's become a part of me
For months, I've played this game
Acting like it doesn't hurt
Each time I hear his name
Ignoring what's inside of &
&Not rated yetChristmas time is here again
I wish you only knew,
How special Christmas is this year
Because I am with you.
This year I don't need any gifts
&Not rated yetI locked my heart but,
you found the hidden key.
You broke down my barriers
and set my soul free.
When you swallow me in your arms,
you make me &
&Not rated yet
Erin, My sweet young submissive Love.
Willing to learn and serve.
So close, but so far away.
I see her in my dreams,
Standing there, next to me. &
&Not rated yet
You kept me up when I was down,
Made me smile when I would frown.
You were there there for me when I had no one,
Now I realize you're the only one. &
&Not rated yetI say I’m over you,
but how come I
can never keep your name
out of my brain?
I say your kisses were nothing,
but deep down
it meant everything. &
&Not rated yet
Are you clueless, or do you
just like acting that way?
I know you don’t miss the obvious,
especially with the things that I say.
You try to act &
&Not rated yet
Each night as you rest
I stand sentry over you
Releasing the bonds of fatigue
Relaxing you tired muscles
My protective presence
Surrounds your &
&Not rated yetWhen I tell you I love you
I don't do it out of habit,
or to start conversation.
I say it to remind you that,
you're the best thing
that's ever &
&Not rated yet
I write your name in the sky
The wind blows it away
I write your name in the ocean
The waves wash it away
I write your name in my heart
&Not rated yet
Do you know what the most important letter
In the English language could be?
"B"! - That's it! To be or not &
&Not rated yetNot warming my hands at a nice cozy fire,
Never admitting I’m falling down tired,
Ignoring a beautiful day in July,
Not driving my car for the very &
&Not rated yetIn the darkest hour
of the brightest day,
On the evening of the morning star,
I sit nervously, hair standing on end.
Time ticks unmoving, fleeting &
&Not rated yetSomeday I’ll take love for a ride,
But it’s all locked up inside
In a place that’s all battered,
Not that it matters.
If I cared about love
&Not rated yet
We met in the springtime, you melted my heart,
The love that you planted was strong from the start.
We blossomed in summer, you made my life rich, &
&Not rated yetI'm scared to be loved,
will it happen again?
I'm scared to love you
it might happen again,
when you say "you can love me too",
are you sure it &
&Not rated yetLife's a rush
everyday is a brand new day..
Everyday men are hollering at you,
they just don't know..
Your living in the hood, for real an abando. &
&Not rated yetBabe Lets Just Start Off That I Love Y
And I Really Do Wanna Spend
The Rest Of My Life With You
And I Don't Want No One To Come Between Us;
&Not rated yetWhy is that cupid never grew up?
Because it symbolizes that love never gets old.
He didn't give up his job to grow.
He stayed an immortal child &
&Not rated yet
I am waiting
for my prince charming to appear
then I see him
walking down the hallway
my heart is a rabbit
jumping uncontrollably
out of my &
&Not rated yeti think we worked and struggled in this life,
but have we succeed this time or still not,
i have many queries and need one thing to say that,
we can’t &
&Not rated yeti think bout u
at least once aday
now im writing this poem
and im not sure wat to say
but ive got u on my mind
especially at this time
and i hope &
&Not rated yetHow powerful are words to shape who we are,
We sometime ponder in silence,
and our words cross a bar,
have we ever felt the power of words,
sometimes, &
&Not rated yet"My heart's on the line." The red-head said
Tuesday on the phone with her boyfriend
"Only two weeks I've been gone." he said
"But they felt like years, &
&Not rated yetWhen you said, "I Love You"
I was over the moon
My heart sang its glory
The stars sang in tune
As when with a word
God brought forth a light
&Not rated yet...when love was new
stars jumped out of the sky
the carnival lights shine in my heart
people's laughter, still ring in my ears
the smell of &
&Not rated yetLet the light shine upon me in the blue night sky
bringing sorrow thoughts of happiness unto my eyes
letting me think positive all the way there
&Not rated yetLove is the sunlight
You are my darkest light
But i beg of you Our Love
Is the next step
&Not rated yetMiracle is a small word with lots of
life is a big world with lots of
War is a synonym for lots of
Love is a &
&Not rated yetLove is Complete
Love is Blind
Love is the hardest thing to define
It Tickles the Heart and
Upsets the Brain
but Yet it Cannot Be Explained &
&Not rated yetIn tender strides
our souls do
stir, like hot flowing
drops of honey.
A thunderclap ago
our clouds parted to let loose
fervent cry
&Not rated yetGushing falls are still
wading this time's brook,
Autumn silence steals over me
the tired whir
of machines &
&Not rated yet(Inspired by Sting’s "Tea In The Sahara")
An obvious mischief at play,
when two souls up to chat
gathering to meld &
&Not rated yetIf I know what love is,
it is because of you.
If I had the whole world,
to write on to express
how much I love you,
it wouldn't all fit.
&Not rated yetSon las ocho de la noche,
in a corner bar, in old Havana, where the smell of arroz y frijoles wafts through
the air, smiles are the silent accompaniment &
&Not rated yetWould that the sapphire of your eyes had never taken acrylic form and painted themselves onto
the canvas of my memory,
a scratchy fabric so brittle and &
&Not rated yetLove,love,love what is love?
love is an everlasting thing.
It never runs away.
CHILDREN wait till u older,
Love is always there,
&Not rated yetWhen I look into your eyes
I could see the stars shinning
Follow me our love is dying
Take a step forward,
Because I feel so apart
Like there’s &
&Not rated yetI was once told that every heartbreak is like a stepping-stone
Never really thought I’d reach the top till you came along
I guess it explains the way &
&Not rated yetIdling as I do,
grains showered cold upon impotence,
I paused loose to ponder,
uncounted bitter times,
were I blessed to redraft life.
In jungle &
&Not rated yetIn the corners of my mind
are the words I want to say to you.
I’ve been awake for three days but I’m
always dreaming of those moments when I
&Not rated yetFirst love came so easily
I thought everyday
Would be the same.
There must be a reason
That hearts can never know
Why she came
And why she went away. &
&Not rated yetNone of the bars in Hollywood have signs,
To guide me towards my baby tonight,
By now I should know to leave enough time.
Sometimes I struggle to &
&Not rated yetYou’re my lagoon
Where I bathe into eternal sentiment,
No star-crossed
no rain nor pain
will drift me away from you.
Bathed by the rhythm of your &
&Not rated yetKnown only through eyes giving into each other
Quite willing to settle gazing at nothing else.
Eyes sharing an offing locked in pairs glassing air
&Not rated yetshining through you are my eternal lantern..
&Not rated yetWrap yourself around me woman
a honeybee my heart is now and you my buttercup.
&Not rated yetI know you think you can’t be caught but I’m on the hunt for what you’ve got.
Your scents so strong and you’re scorching hot, so I’ve hatched up a real &
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