
我和你的心如此遥远的英文怎么说_百度知道当前位置: &
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英文翻译百科解释be irreconcilable [incompatible] be implacably [diametrically] impossibly for bo irreconcilably h one of the two must be destroyed.; (we and they) shall not live at the same time.; there is no compatibility between them.: 我没料到他们为这一点小事竟会如此势不两立。 i didn't expect them to be at daggers drawn over such a trivial thing:&&&&an implacable enemy rival et ...:&&&&incompatibility:&&&&swear not to exist together
...:&&&&i didn't expect them to be a ...:&&&&coexistence:&&&&sickly driedout plantss:&&&&seeing that matters are in a ...:&&&&the situation was unstable详细百科解释
例句与用法I did n't expect them to be at daggers drawn over such a trivial thing .我没料到他们为这一点小事竟会如此势不两立。It's very plain that the old man and i will remain at daggers-drawn to the end of our lives .很明显,我同老头子至死也是势不两立。He was trying to create an atmosphere of utter irreconcilability which left no roads open .他正试图制造一种绝对势不两立、不留任何后路的气氛。The superimposition of ideological conflict and personal jealousies turned inherent rivalry into obsession .意识形态的冲突和个人之间相互不服气交织在一起,使得固有的敌对发展到势不两立的地步。The god and the demons of zu mountain lai kit kwan千百年来,神魔势不两立。 He and his partner are at daggers drawn他和伙伴势不两立As a general rule , city people and insects are sworn enemies不少都市人和昆虫的关系可算是势不两立的。 They are implacable rivals他们是势不两立的竞争对手。 Such as , fifty years ago , science and religion were seen as competitors当时科学和宗教势不两立,现在我却看见它们互补长短,发生了许多变化。 The ideal of the family system is necessarily dead set against the ideal of personal individualism家族制度的理想必然是和私人个人主义的理想势不两立的。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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All rights reserved少爷我和你势不两立_百度百科
他是惟我独尊的池氏王国第二代,可只能常年坐在轮椅上,苟延残喘。 他想扶风细柳,软弱不堪,置身黑暗时却有着一双尖利无比的獠牙。 他被整个家族放在手心里疼,尊荣无比,实则是呗捧在浪尖上,万剑穿心...她只是一个6岁时便被人买下的供人消遣的玩具,却冷漠骄傲,目空一切。 她只是一个只会流口水和舔着手指头傻笑的傻子。 他背负着一个破碎的神话,而她,背负的是一个天底下最大的谎言……


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