uedbet come back be herehere! I'll teach you all about the afterlife. 怎么翻译

一血first blood双杀double kill三杀triple kill四杀quadri kill五杀penta kill团灭ACE大杀特杀killing spring无人能挡unsdouble主宰比赛damanigen接近暴走rampage近神GOD LIKE己方超神YOU LEGENDARY
敌方超神enemy is legendary
己方杀敌an enemy has been slain
line has been slain你杀人you have slain an enemy
你被杀you have been slain胜利VICTOEY希望采纳!
殇之木乃伊 - 阿木木
I thought you'd never pick me
Where are we going?
Hey! Come back!
Let's find some friends!
Mummy? Daddy?
Daddy? Mummy?
Where are we going?
Let's be friends forever!
Come play with me
Let me give you a hug
风暴女神 - 迦娜
Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'll leave you breathless
The power of the wind is at your command
出门在外也不愁A few years back when
and I were saving money to travel the world, .
I stopped writing about money because I found that people assumed we were rich (we are not) which undermined how hard we had worked at our dream and . Or, people assumed we somehow had a leg up and left comments saying as much. All of those complaints and excuses just annoyed me, so I stopped writing about money.
Anyway, I’ve received a few emails lately asking how we afford to travel the world and I’m sure many of you out there are wondering the same thing. So here’s the answer.
Before my husband and I left to travel we had 9-5 jobs working for the local government. Yes, we both had stable jobs that provided a fine income. We weren’t bagging groceries at Wal-Mart but we also weren’t earning six figures working for private corporations. I’m not going to tell you how much money we made because who does that? But we both made in the mid five-figures, probably like a lot of you.
We initially funded our travels by saving up a chunk of money to travel on. We did this by not buying the crap that other people were buying and saving every leftover penny. We got ourselves out of credit card debt and then stopped using credit cards completely. We lived below our means.
Me in 2009 with our change jar. We no longer own a single thing in this photo.
So here’s the bottom line. We left the country in August 2012 with $55,000 in travel money and 12-months later we still have $35,000. We spent almost all of that 20K at the beginning of our trip in South America (we went to the
which ate up 1/4 of that 20K in one week. It was worth it.).
By the time we got to Asia I was making enough money with my writing to live off of (Asia is quite inexpensive, so that helps). When we left to travel I wasn’t making much money at all on my writing. Earning an income through writing is just something that happened along the way. I wanted it to happen, I worked for it to happen, but there was no guarantee that it would happen. More on that in a minute.
I once got an email from someone who wrote, “I want to do what you are doing. I make $200 a week.” I couldn’t tell if the person who sent the email was just setting me up or if he was genuinely seeking help. Either way, my response is the same: Get another job. (I told him this and, consequently, he did not write me back).
I mean, he knew that, right? Because unless you’re in high school and living with your parents you probably won’t be able to pay your rent and feed yourself and save to travel the world making $800 a month. So get another job by which I mean an additional job. You can also get a better job but we all know that’s easier said than done.
My point is, there’s no magic bullet. If you want to save money to travel the world you need to bring in enough money to support your basic needs and save the leftovers. For a lot of people that means picking up another job. And after traveling through a lot of third-world countries and seeing a whole bunch of poverty I have to say that if you live in the U.S. you are in the very blessed minority of people that have the ability to make this happen. Sure, you might have to work really hard and do a whole bunch of stuff you’d rather not do and go a few years on a little bit of sleep, but if
you really want to save money to travel you can make it happen.
I want to point out something that so many other travelers before me have also pointed out: Traveling isn’t as expensive as you think it is. Sure, plane tickets can be pricey. And if you’re taking a two week vacation and staying in fancy hotels and pretty much just zipping through a place then you’re going to rack up quite a bill. But if you are moving slowly and taking local buses and eating at street stalls and sometimes sleeping on people’s dirt floors you’re going to be able to do a lot on a little bit of money. And if you just want a high-end tour of your favorite cities in Europe you probably just need a long vacation and should not give up your life to travel full-time like Brian and I did. It isn’t for everyone.
If you want to know how much it might cost to travel in the countries that you are interested in visiting, I recommend checking out the
over on Jodi Ettenburg’s website.
What I’ve found while traveling is that once you get out on the road there are plenty of ways to make money. If you are a pilates or yoga instructor or a massage therapist or a hairstylist you can make money by selling to your fellow travelers. Find some hippy beach town in India and set up your yoga mat on the sand each morning at 6 a.m. and teach the people that wander by.
If you are a graphic designer or a writer or a photographer you can make money by designing or writing or selling your photos online. If you are a waitress or a cook you can make money. I met a rock-climbing waitress from Colorado in Argentina, she served me wine at my favorite restaurant in . I can’t list every exotic location job here on this blog. It’s the sort of thing that you stumble upon while you are out there exploring the world. So save money, take a leap of faith, and know that when you really need some cash the universe will nudge you towards that tapas restaurant in that tiny village in Spain that really needs a lunchtime waitress.
Now back to how I fund my travels these days.
I mentioned in
that my writing is supporting our travels and I probably got 50 emails from people asking how. Mostly, Brian and I live off of the income that I earn from this blog (via advertising) and whatever freelance gigs I pick up (which are few and far between). Sometimes, like when we are in an expensive country like the U.S., we dip into our savings to make ends meet. I do not make enough money to afford to live in the U.S. (yet!). Also, keep in mind that Brian and I have no expenses, so we can live on very little. We have no utility bills, no rent, no car payment. We do have student loans that we pay every month (Yes, we have student loans. This was another excuse I used to hear, “Oh, you must not have any student loans to pay like I do.” Yes we do!).
2013 in India. I only feel rich.
I am not getting rich. I’m just getting by. And that’s okay for me right now because I’m doing what I love and not yet freaking out about the future. My income isn’t stable. Sometimes I have great earning months and sometimes I have terrible months. Brian and I just try to live on as small amount of money as possible no matter what. We try to make our money stretch. We don’t throw big parties during the good months and buy everybody a shot at the bar. We’re frugal, always. And plus, the good months aren’t great, they’re just good enough to keep us going.
I suppose what I want to say more than anything is this: If you wait for all of the stars to align and that six-figure location independent job offer to come to you, you will be waiting forever. Plan, save, and then take the damn leap. You won’t know what other opportunities are out there until you get out there. You have no idea who you’ll meet or what you’ll learn. As for me, I’m glad I did it the way I did. Even if my writing had never gained steam and I’d blown through my savings and then gone home, I still wouldn’t have regretted a second of it. The fact that the universe keeps lobbing opportunities at me that keep us traveling is just sweet icing on the cake.
Start living your dreams today. Learn how with my book .
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Who uses results with lucy?
“I’m ready to get fit and change my life – I just need something that fits around my family’s demands and that will really inspire me. I’ve tried workout DVDs before but I got bored and gave up.”
Complete Beginner
“I know I should be doing something but I have no idea where to start and I’m already wondering if it’s too late. I dream of having a better body and being fit but it feels like those are things other people have and do, not me.”about the long-term effects of this lifestyle on my health.”
Over 40’s
“I would love to get fit and lose weight, but it just seems like a lot of effort and everybody at the gym is 20 years younger than me. I don’t want to get more and more unfit by continuing to do nothing.”
“I desperately need to make some changes. I’m fed up with not feeling good and I’m unhappy with my body. My work schedule means I can’t commit to regular sessions at the gym or in a class, and I'm getting concerned about the long-term effects of this lifestyle on my health.”
“I would do anything to look hot but my studies and social life make it impossible. I don’t have any spare cash for the gym and if I did I’d probably never have time to get there anyway.”
Where you’re at
Your life is madly busy with no time for yourself. You feel tired and stres sed all the time. You’d like to lose weight, feel fitter and have more energy to keep all those balls in the air. You need a solution that offers short and varied workouts that you can do at home.
What your issues tend to be
o Investing in yourself isn’t a priority because you’re so busy juggling your life.
o You’ve tried every diet going and none of them worked.
o You’re out of shape and you don’t know where to begin.
Complete Beginner
Where you’re at
You’ve not bothered with exercise since you left school. You feel guilty every time you read yet another magazine feature about exercising five times a week, and you have this nagging feeling that you should be doing something about it, but you just don’t know where to start, or if you’re even up to it.
What your issues tend to be
o You’ve never been interested in exercising but you know you should.
o You know you could eat better but you keep reading conflicting advice.
o You don’t know where to start and you don’t want to feel or look stupid.
Over 40’s
Where you’re at
You have exercised in the past but it seems a million years ago. The thought of going to the gym is terrifying but you’d love to increase your confidence and regain your fitness. You keep reading advice about exercising five times a week and you know you should be doing something, but you don’t have a clue where to start.
What your issues tend to be
o You don’t feel confident joining a class or gym.
o You have work and family commitments that make it difficult to have time for yourself.
Where you’re at
You’re a busy professional and your work schedule means you’re often out early, home late or away on business. Despite trying to eat well and work out when you can, you’re not achieving your goals and you can feel yourself getting less and less fit.
What your issues tend to be
o You don’t feel confident joining a class or gym.
o With your working hours, you don’t believe healthy eating is an option.
o Your work and other commitments make it impossible for you to join a class or fitness club because you never know when you’ll be free.
Where you’re at
You used to be fairly fit at school and maintain a good weight without ever even trying, but student life, eating on a budget and drinking too much is starting to take its toll. You’d love to have a better body and feel healthier without it being another chore or costing a fortune.
What your issues tend to be
o With studying, work and nights out to fit in, you’re way too busy to exercise.
o On your budget, healthy eating doesn’t seem like a realistic option.
o You struggle to know what is best to drink to avoid putting on weight.
Together with personal trainer Cecilia Harris, the 23-year-old runs Results With Lucy. The website features video routines so people can work out with Lucy and Cecilia at home.
OK! Online put themselves through their paces as they join the former TOWIE star for a weekend of burpees and squats
Results With Lucy features video workouts with Lucy, designed to help other women achieve the same amazing body. Lucy’s Twitter feed, she says, is full of posts from happy customers
The only way was Shropshire for ex-Towie star Lucy Mecklenburgh when she held her fitness boot camp in the county.
Former TOWIE star Lucy Mecklenburgh on cellulite: Horror holiday snaps made me hit the BOOTYCAMP
I still get the buzz. When people ask me what my motivation is, if anything it’s that I know I’ll be in a good mood afterwards. I know I’ll be happy and have a good day. If I wake up and don’t do a workout, usually the day plods along and I don’t get as much done.
Homemade sushi, avocados and dumbbells: Bikini babe Lucy Mecklenburgh reveals secrets behind killer new figure
Lucy Mecklenburgh answered our bingo wing prayers today as she shared the secret to her toned arms.
Abs-olutely mind-blowing! Fitness queen Lucy Mecklenburgh shows off rock hard tummy
Get fit with Lucy Mecklenburgh: TOWIE babe shares her top tips for a fab body
Lucy Mecklenburgh shows off toned tum and amazing abs at her four day Booty Camp
She beat the likes of Jessica Alba and Rihanna to the title of Best Bikini Body 2013 due to eating well and hitting the gym, rather than flashing the cash and going under the knife.
“The reaction to Results With Lucy has been amazing. That’s because people want to stay in their own home. They don’t have time or confidence to go the gym.”
Who will this work for?
We have members of all ages, all shapes and sizes, and all fitness levels who have achieved great things following our workouts and programmes. You can read more about our different user profiles here.
What sort of weight loss and changes should I expect over the course of the programme?
The answer to this depends on your starting point but typically women with weight to lose will lose between 7lb and 20lb over the course of a 12-week programme. You can expect to drop a dress size, tone up and have a much flatter stomach in your first 4 weeks.
Do I need to buy any special equipment?
We use a limited amount of equipment in some of our videos but we always offer a substitute with a household item. For example, dumbbells can be replaced with filled water bottles or tin cans.
What are the videos/programmes like?
Every single workout is filmed from start to finish with Lucy or one of her trainers being coached through the workout with you. You’ll feel like you’re having personal training yourself and that the instructor is there to encourage you to achieve more and finish each workout...
Can I cancel when I want to?
We offer a rolling monthly subscrition that you can cancel at any time.
Or you can join one of our Results Guaranteed programmes, which last between 6 and 12 weeks. These are covered by a full money-back guarantee so you can buy with complete confidence.
What if I don’t achieve the results I want? What is the Results Guarantee?
If you follow one of our structured programmes you can’t fail! We give you all the tools you need to succeed and are so confident in our programmes that if you don’t get results, we will give you all your money back...*
How long are the workouts
Each video lasts between 5 and 20 minutes. A workout is made up of a combination of videos which you can choose yourself or which are put together by us to create a recommended workout. Beginners should aim to complete 4 x 20-30 minute workouts per week. Advanced exercisers will usually complete 5 x 45 minute workouts.
Which parts of my body will I work?
We have over 150 different videos which work every single muscle in your body, and you can select workouts by body part – for example, you could choose to have an abs or a legs day.
If I don’t like it, can I get a refund?
Our programmes are non-refundable, because we want you to achieve your goals and develop the mindset that giving up is never an option. However, we do offer a full money-back 100% results guarantee so you can’t fail.
Can you give me a taster before I buy?
We offer a full-length beginner and intermediate workout for you to try before you buy. To access these workouts, just sign up for a free account here.
What are the different membership options?
All our programmes and membership options can be viewed by clicking here.
If you’re unsure which programme is for you we recommend you take our interactive quiz. If you’re still unclear, book a call with one of our qualified personal trainers, who will be able to advise you.
I’m really busy/have a health issue, can I still join and will it still work for me?
Absolutely yes. Our monthly membership gives you access to 150 different workouts which you can choose by length of time, intensity or part of the body. If you have questions about a specific condition, book a call with one of our qualified personal trainers who will be able to advise you before you sign up.
How are you different to other gyms, training plans and personal trainers out there?
Results with Lucy offers world-class personal training in the comfort of your own home with a 100% money-back results guarantee. You can do the workouts at a time that suits you, rather than fitting in around a trainer’s or a gym’s schedule...
I’ve tried lots of stuff before and nothing has worked – does Results with Lucy really work?
100% yes, so much so that we will give you all your money back if you don’t get results. You can’t fail with Results with Lucy. Our fitness trainers are the best in the world...
Do I have to follow a specific diet?
Nutrition is 80% of the story. If you don’t fuel your body correctly you won’t achieve the results you want. Our EatWell nutrition programme is written by one of the top nutrition coaches in the world and it’s included in all our packages.
I’ can I still do your Eatwell programme?
Our Eatwell programme is an education where you’ll learn about different foods and different ways of eating. We offer a comprehensive meal plan but you also have the option to create your own meals following the guidelines and picking and choosing from hundreds of great recipes.
Is Eatwell suitable for vegans and vegetarians or people with allergies?
Absolutely yes. You have the freedom to follow our recommended meal plan or create your own. Many of the recipes included are vegetarian, and there are vegan recipes too, so you’ll find plenty of choice.
About Lucy
More about Lucy Mecklenburgh from the Only Way is Essex
Lucy Mecklenburgh exploded onto our screens way back in 2010 with the first series of award-winning The Only Way is Essex and since then she’s taken the celebrity world by storm.
Her role in the ITV2 show quickly catapulted her to fame and Lucy is now one of the UK’s best-loved reality stars.
She may be known as the glam, bubbly fashionista who helped turn the show into a cult phenomenon, but there’s much more to Lucy than TOWIE. After leaving college at 18, Lucy began her fashion career by working with a range of top brands, both as a model and as a designer. Driven by her entrepreneurial ambition, and keen to put her hard-earned fame to good use, Lucy launched the hugely successful Lucy’s Boutique while filming for TOWIE, and her Brentwood-based venture now boasts its own online store.
What Inspired RWl?
What inspired Results with Lucy?
Thanks to TOWIE, Lucy has become one of the most photographed women in Britain throughout the last few years, and it’s this exposure that drives her to be in the best shape possible. Dismayed by cellulite, worried that she was stuck in a rut with her fitness regime, and set back by a dislike for exercise that had plagued her throughout her teens and into her twenties, she set about getting into shape.
Lucy knew she needed to take action and overhaul her routine if she was going to achieve the body of her dreams, so she was eager to surround herself with people who were going to truly motivate her. She started training with Cecilia Harris, owner of Results Fitness and Health. Cecilia’s exhilarating workouts proved that training can be fun, and the months that followed saw Lucy transformed from reluctant gym-goer to super-slim, super-fit and super-sexy!
Like Lucy, you too can get in the best shape of your life by following one of the UK’s most inspirational personal training plans. Watch Lucy train under the expert eye of her top PT Cecilia and receive on-going support from the result of the Results with Lucy team throughout your fitness journey. You’ll love getting to know Lucy as she guides you through her huge range of private workouts, all of which are designed to trim and tone different areas of your body for amazing all-round results.
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