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Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园英文简介Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16,1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies,a series of six- to eight-minute animated films,or "shorts," combining live-action and animation.What began as the Disney Brothers Studio evolved into The Walt Disney Company.Throughout the decades,the company has expanded worldwide from shorts to feature-length animated and live-action films and t character m consume book,magazine
I television an cable te and the operation of theme parks and resorts.From the creation of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927 and the debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the premiere of Tarzan in 1999,animation has remained the defining signature of the company.Along the way,Disney has added successful TV shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,opened theme parks in California,Florida,France and Japan,launched more than 700 Disney Stores and added brands such as Touchstone,Miramax,ABC and ESPN to the fold.To make the most of Disneyland - the ultimate escapist fantasy and the blueprint for imitations worldwide - throw yourself right into it.Don't think twice about anything and go on every ride you can.The high admission price ($36) includes them all,although during peak periods each one can entail hours of queueing.Remember,too,that the empha the authorities take a dim view of anything remotely anti-social and eject those they consider guilty.Over four hundred "Imaginers" worked to create the Indiana Jones Adventure,Disneyland's biggest opening in years.Two hours of queueing are built into the ride,with an interactive archeological dig and 1930s-style newsreel show leading up to the main feature - a giddy journey along 2500ft of skull-encrusted corridors in which you face fireballs,falling rubble,venomous snakes and,inevitably,a rolling boulder finale.Disney claims that,thanks to computer engineering,no two Indiana Jones rides are ever alike.Judge for yourself.Among the best of the older rides are two in Adventureland:the Pirates of the Caribbean,a boat trip through underground caverns,singing along
and the Haunted Mansion,a riotous "doom buggy" tour in the company of the house spooks.Tomorrowland is Disney's vision of the future,where the Space Mountain roller coaster zips through the pitch-blackness of outer space,and the Star Tours ride simulates a journey into the world of George Lucas.The Skyway cable-car line that connects Tomorrowland with the clever but cloyingly sentimental Fantasyland is the only spot in the park from which you can see the outside world.As for accommodation,try to visit Disneyland just for the day and spend the night somewhere else.Most of the hotels and motels nearby cost well in excess of $70 per night.You're not permitted to bring your
you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises.Disneyland is at 1313 Harbor Blvd,Anaheim,45 minutes by car from downtown using the Santa Ana Freeway.In summer,the park is open daily between 8am and 1 otherwise opening hours are weekdays 10am to 6pm,Saturday 9am to midnight,and Sunday 9am to 10pm.A traffic quickly becomes nightmarish,especially in the summer.For further information,including public transportation details,call 714/999-4565.
The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) is the second largest media and entertainment corporation in the world, after Time Warner. Founded on October 16, 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy Disney as a small an...
迪士尼 简介
迪士尼全称为The Walt Disney Company,取名自期创始人华特·迪士尼(在香港和台湾地区的译法有不同,见下),是总部设在美国的大型跨国公司,主要业务包括娱乐节目制作,主题公园,玩具,图书,电子游戏和传媒网络。点金石电影公司,Miramax电影,好莱坞电影公司(公司名),博伟音像制品,ESPN体育,ABC电视网都是其齐下的公司(品牌) Enligh...
Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园英文简介 Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies, a series of six- to eight-minute animated films, or...
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第三方登录:编辑点评:迪士尼公司为他们创造的公主构架了其栖 身的虚拟世界,这些虚拟世界从史实和神话中汲取线索,创造了非常唯美的童话世界。
1/6 :fictional
2/6 :Aurora
3/6 :Snow White
4/6 :Pocahontas
5/6 :Belle
6/6 :Tiana
Disney creates fictional worlds for their princesses to live in, drawing on historical and mythical inspiration to create beautiful fairy tales. We wondered what the princesses would&ve looked like if they&d existed in the real world, so we used context clues from the films to determine, as specifically as possible, the time and location of each Disney princess&s story.迪士尼公司为他们创造的公主构架了其栖身的虚拟世界,这些虚拟世界从史实和神话中汲取线索,创造了非常唯美的童话世界。我们禁不住会想,如果这些公主都生活在现实世界中,她们会是怎样的面貌?
1.Jasmine, Aladdin & c. 300s Arabian Peninsula茉莉公主,《阿拉丁》&&公元300年代,阿拉伯半岛
Islam became a religion during the seventh century A.D., so Aladdin takes place in a pre-Islamic Arabian society. Women of the region dressed modestly even before I probably wearing loose, shapeless clothing.伊斯兰教形成于公元7世纪,所以《阿拉丁》的故事是发生在一个前伊斯兰教化的阿拉伯社会里。即使在伊斯兰教成为正统之前,社会中女性的衣着也非常朴素:她们大概穿的是宽松,看不出体型的衣服。
迪士尼公主包括:《小美人鱼》艾莉儿、《白雪公主》白雪公主、《美女与野兽》 贝儿、《仙履奇缘》仙杜瑞拉、《睡美人》奥罗拉、《阿拉丁》茉莉 、《公主和青蛙》蒂安娜、《长发公主》乐配 、《花木兰》花木兰、《风中奇缘》宝嘉康蒂 、《勇敢的公主》梅莉达公主、《冰雪奇缘》安娜公主、艾莎公主1、爱丽儿公主小档案英文名:Ariel生日: 11月17日首次登场:《小美人鱼》头发的颜色: 酒红色的微卷长发犹如海棠一般油滑眼睛的颜色: 碧绿色的眼睛犹如一滩平静的湖水鱼尾巴:晶莹的绿色身份: 人鱼王国的七公主性格特点: 自信、很强的好奇心、勇敢、执著、坚强、喜欢冒险、勇于追求幸福,为了王子奉献出自己美丽的歌喉爱好: 在大海里收集各种人类的东西、唱歌好朋友: 小比目鱼、人鱼王国的音乐大臣赛巴斯丁,海鸥史卡托亚力克王子的宠物:宠物狗艾力斯乌苏拉的宠物:鳗鱼贾善和胡善美莉缇【爱丽儿的女儿】的好朋友:海狮戴雪,企鹅比宝莫极娜的宠物:鲨鱼杜鲨,电鳐斗篷和匕首玛莲娜的宠物:绿精灵泡泡本杰明公主心语: 勇气和梦想!只要敢想,敢做,不怕困难,就算最不可能的梦想也能实现。2、白雪公主生日:12月21日英文名:Snow White首次登场:《白雪公主》头发的颜色:黑瀑布一般乌黑亮丽的短发,戴一个漂亮的红丝绸发卡。眼睛的颜色:漂亮的淡褐色,像星星般闪烁着迷人的光芒。性格特点:心地善良、举止优雅、信任他人。身份:具有皇室血统的纯正公主朋友:森林里的七个小矮人,森林里的小动物白马王子的宠物:白骏马继母王后的宠物:黑乌鸦公主心语: 我的白马王子总有一天会到来!敞开心灵的大门,真诚的对待别人,朋友自然向你走来。3、贝儿公主小档案生日:11月22日英文名字:Belle身份:法国乡村里的漂亮姑娘首次登场:《美女与野兽》头发的颜色:美丽的深褐色长发,扎一条漂亮的丝带。眼睛的颜色:一对褐色的大眼睛,眼神略有些忧伤。性格特点:善解人意、乐于助人、喜欢思考爱好:看书、跳舞公主心语:我刚看完一本很精彩的书!宽容和体谅是我走进野兽孤独内心的一把金钥匙。好朋友:贝儿的马,菲力王子的宠物:宠物狗【被施魔法后变成了板凳】4、仙蒂公主英文名: Cinderella身份:名门中的小姐首次登场:《仙履奇缘》头发的颜色:一头漂亮的金色,喜欢用发带扎起来。眼睛的颜色:像蔚蓝色的海洋一般深邃、迷人的眼睛。性格特点:勤劳善良、乐观聪慧、敢于追求理想好朋友:小老鼠葛斯和杰克,家犬布鲁诺,家马。继母的宠物:宠物猫鲁斯佛幸运物:水晶鞋公主心语:坚持梦想别放弃。无论你遇到什么样的困难,请你都微笑着面对。5、爱洛公主小档案英文名:Aurora首次登场:《睡美人》头发的颜色:一头金色的头发,散发出宛如阳光般耀眼的光芒。眼睛的颜色:紫罗兰色的眼睛里折射出火热的光芒。身份:史帝芬国王和王后的女儿性格特点:聪明、浪漫、喜欢结交朋友。好朋友:三位仙子和森林里的动物朋友。菲力王子的好朋友:他的马大力士。黑巫婆的宠物:黑乌鸦公主心语:坚持自己的梦想,总有一天会成为现实。6、茉莉公主英文名:Jasmine身份:苏丹王国的公主身高:160公分首次登场:《阿拉丁》头发的颜色:一头乌黑亮丽的长发,喜欢用辫绳扎起来。眼睛的颜色:褐色的眼眸中充满了自信和智慧。性格特点:聪明、独立、有主见,喜欢冒险。好朋友:宠物西亚虎乐雅。阿拉丁的好朋友:猴子阿布。贾方的宠物:鹦鹉艾格。公主心语:我不是一只待宰的羔羊!7、蒂安娜公主小档案英文名:Tiana身份:新奥尔良的一位黑人服务生爱好:做美食首次登场:《公主和青蛙》头发的颜色:一头乌黑亮丽的长卷发。眼睛的颜色:褐色的眼眸中充满了自信和智慧。性格特点:聪明、独立、坚持好朋友:萤火虫雷蒙德【小光】,鳄鱼路易斯。公主心语:我要坚持父亲的理想!8、乐佩公主英文名:Rapunzel头发的颜色:一头瀑布般的金色长发(后变成俏皮的棕色短发)眼睛的颜色:墨绿色的眼睛充满自信和勇敢好朋友:变色龙尤金的好朋友:坐骑马克西姆【马】公主心语:和我及我的长发去世界旅行!9、花木兰公主生日:6月5日英文名:MuLan首次登场:《花木兰》头发的颜色:黑色,具有亚洲人的东方气质眼睛的颜色:黑色,具有东方的显著象征性格特点:孝敬父母,为家族争光,为华夏汉家天下效命疆场身份:来自中国古代村庄的姑娘花木兰公主&(2张)朋友:木须龙,可汗马,幸运蟋蟀公主语录:女孩子的美多种多样,真实的表现自己,你就会闪耀出与众不同的美丽。 为故土家园而战!演艺生涯:在1998年的《花木兰》中担任女主角,又在2004年的《花木兰2》中再次担任女主角。10、宝嘉康蒂公主中文名:宝嘉康蒂身份:印第安酋长包华顿的女儿首次登场:《风中奇缘》头发颜色:乌黑,具有黄种人的显著特征眼睛的颜色:黑色性格特点:有些反逆,喜欢看看外面的世界,用真情感化悲剧。宝嘉康蒂公主&(2张)好朋友:猞猁米糕,百灵鸟菲利公主语录:爱能创造奇迹,能让世界更美好。我们是大自然的一部分!11、梅莉达公主英文名:Merida中文名:梅莉达生日:6月15日头发的颜色:火红如红色的太阳梅莉达公主&(2张)眼睛颜色:蓝色身份:苏格兰王国的公主性格特点:勇敢、坚韧不拔,具有男孩子的显著特征公主心语:和我一起去面对挫折和挑战!演艺生涯:2012年上映的《勇敢的公主》(又称勇敢传说)。12、安娜公主小档案英文名:Anna中文名:安娜出身:阿伦黛尔 (Arendelle)身份:阿伦黛尔女王艾莎的妹妹头发颜色:金褐色的长发眼睛的颜色:蓝色性格特点:勇敢、乐观、乐于帮助他人公主心语:永不放弃,无所畏惧的成长!13、艾莎公主英文名:Queen Elsa中文名:艾莎身份:阿伦黛尔女王,安娜的姐姐出身:阿伦黛尔 (Arendelle)头发的颜色:浅金色的头发眼睛颜色:蓝色性格特点:优雅、矜持、具有同情心却被误解、复杂且柔弱公主心语:爱让我们成为真正的女王!
《小美人鱼》艾莉儿 《白雪公主》白雪哗福糕凰蕹好革瞳宫困公主《美女与野兽》 贝儿《仙履奇缘》仙杜瑞拉《睡美人》奥罗拉《阿拉丁》茉莉 《公主和青蛙》蒂安娜《长发公主》乐配 《花木兰》花木兰《风中奇缘》宝嘉康蒂 现在有十个
爱丽儿公主(美人鱼), 白雪公主(白雪公主和七个小矮人), 贝儿公主(美女与野兽). 仙蒂公主(仙履奇缘), 爱洛公主(睡美人), 茉莉公主(阿拉丁)
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迪士尼苏菲亚公主英文原版Disnesy Sofia The First : Please And Thank YouReader&s Digest基本信息
出版社: Reader's Digest A Act (日)
丛书名: Disney Junior, Sofia the First
精装: 28页
读者对象: 3 - 6 岁
语种: 英语
商品尺寸: 22.9 x 0.8 x 26 cm


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