Why do you want the heart to hurt so bad歌词me so, why are

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Edited by Anonymous, Eng, Dougie, Doug Collins and 13 others
IMPORTANT: Apologize sincerely before using any of the ideas below.
Without a heart felt apology none of these lines will help you.
Here are some sweet words for a girl to forgive you:
1"I can't sleep, eat or think because you and I are not in sync." Convey to her that you need her on the same page as you or your world falls apart. Eating and sleeping are necessary in order to survive and when you have hurt her even the most basic survival skills are hard to accomplish.Was this step helpful?
2"Though I have put a crack in your heart, I hope my words will be the glue to mend the crack." Words can fracture a relationship or make the relationship stronger. Use this statement and explain how you want to give her security and love with your words instead of distress.Was this step helpful?
3"We will work through this." Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that you are willing to make things right because she is worth it. A simple phrase of commitment can go a very long way, especially when you prove to her that you are willing to work on things no matter what.Was this step helpful?
4"I deeply regret that I have hurt you." It is hard for a person to express regret, especially if they are proud. Show her that you are taking down all barriers and revealing your humbleness. Vulnerability can soften her as she may want to comfort you instead of just being angry with you.Was this step helpful?
5"I am willing to change." Often these words are used for an apology, however make these words meaningful by listing what you need to change to make it right and how you plan on making the changes. Put yourself in her hands of mercy by not only atoning for how you have wronged her but vowing to not do it again.Was this step helpful?
6"There is no excuse for my actions." Do not make several accuses for your behavior. Own up to what you have done and let her know you are willing to face the consequences. Excuses often mean that the person is not really sorry and trying to explain away their actions.This can put the person you are apologizing to on the defensive rather than giving forgiveness.Was this step helpful?
7"I feel as though I am on a ship in a storm heading towards the rocky shore." Offer the ways of how she is your lighthouse in that storm. List the everyday things she does that keep you from hitting the rocks in a storm.Was this step helpful?
8"Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless." These words are sweet and show how much she means to you because this line means you can't live without her or you can't be happy without her and she can cry about this because of the deep meaning or she can also find this cheesy line as funny. So with this one, you can make her smile, cry because of the meaning of this, and you can have her forgiveness.Was this step helpful?
9"I know you are angry right now but I just want to hug you and love you forever." You can say these words and just add her name like "Juliet, I know you are angry right now but I just want to hug you and love you forever." These words can make your girl look beyond the current conflict.
It says to her that even when she is mad at you, you will always love her and court her no matter what happens and you will show to her how much she means to you, you will never let go of her and you will never give up on your relationship with her. These words can make the heart of the girl skip a beat and these words are something that she will fondly remember forever.Was this step helpful?
10"I was just going to say something and I forgot it when I started looking at you." These words mean that you cannot say anything because you are stunned by her presence, beauty, smile and when you look at her it feels like she is your world and all you think about is her. So just by saying those words and looking at her it means that you are more interested about her than your surroundings and she is your everything.Was this step helpful?
11"There are thousands of stars in the sky, but you are the only star in front of my eye." It means that she is only one who owns your heart. After you are forgiven, say these words when both of you are watching the stars at night like "There are thousands of stars in the sky, but you know what" then look at her and say "You are the only star in front of my eye". Was this step helpful?
12Point to a flower (or roses you bought her) and say "Hi, flower, you should meet my girlfriend, she'd show you how to be beautiful."
These words can make her smile and a bit of humor can open the door to forgiveness.
It may even make your girl smile and blush.Was this step helpful?
Remember that girls love compliments. Your words should be sincere, so you have a chance to make her forgive you, tell the girl how lucky you are to have her, and while telling those sweet words look deeply into her eyes, don't ask if she has already forgiven you because you can see it and feel it through her actions if you are forgiven like she is sweet again to you, she laughs, she smiles, she shares anything to you and if she is hugging and kissing you again. Prove to her how really sorry you are, make an effort like giving her gifts (but not all the time), take her out, be there if she needs you and just show that you really love her. And remember that "actions speak louder than words".
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There are a lot of things that go into knowing if your girlfriend has forgiven you but this one key situation will help you to determine a bit if she has forgiven you for your mistake.
If arguments arise and she brings up the situation that you found yourself in to make the mistake then that means that she has not forgiven you and she is still hurt by the mistake you made in the relationship.
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This is a difficult situation to be in.
First of all, it will definitely be difficult for your girlfriend to forget the physical pain that she experienced from you.
Also, it will difficult for her to regain back the trust in you.
This is what you first need to work on.
Show her that you will not do it again, even when you are very angry.
You have to recognize the fact that no matter how angry you are, it will never be right to beat her.
Show her how sorry you are and that you recognize you did something wrong.
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There are times when you make promises to your girlfriend that you don't get to keep because of some schedule mishaps or conflicts. If in case you were not able to go with her during a special holiday, here are sample messages of forgiveness that you can send her to show that you are really sorry and would want to make it up to her:
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I know you're mad and I do deserve to be ignored right now. I don't have the right to ask you to forgive me but I want to take this chance - I'm really sorry and I want to be able to make it up to you by not being there during the holiday like I promised. I'd like to invite you out for dinner tonight. Oh please say "Yes". I love you so much honey. Was this helpful?
I lost count of the times I disappointed you honey. Sometimes I doubt if I ever deserve you in my life. But the thing is, I love you so much and I badly need you in my life. I may not be perfect and there I times that I'm really bad with numbers like dates and schedules of the holidays I missed. What I do know is that I want to be better for you. Please give me one more chance to make it up to you. I'm very very sorry. Please forgive me.
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Get your girlfriend to forgive
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The problem started when I went to see her parents and uncle without her knowledge. However, she keeps on telling me that if she does not marry me, I must be the one who reject her
You may have been crossing a personal boundary that she was not ready for you to cross yet. Give her assurance that you are not going to reject her. Show her that you do have the intent for marriage but setting a wedding date and making plans for the ceremony. Since she is not answering your calls then write her a letter mapping out your intentions and send her flowers.
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I have lost her trust, for no reason. Its my past that haunts me and I had a few drinks and start to be all paranoid and crazy. I realize the alcohol is the problem and am addressing that. But I feel like I really lost her this time. I am very sad
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If you don't trust your girlfriend and she said she wants no part of your relationship, then you have to just let her go. Trust is the foundation of a relationship and it's absolutely essential. If your girlfriend did nothing wrong and you accused her of something, then it's best to just respect her wishes. The only thing you can do is apologize and let her go. Focus on taking care of yourself and work on the issues that caused you problems, such as drinking and paranoid behavior. If you do that, you will gain better self-esteem and it can help with your trust issues. If it's too hard to do on your own, you can seek outside help from professionals. If your girlfriend wants to come back to you, she will when she is ready. Do not pressure her or try to convince her of anything, as it will only make the situation worse. If she wants to be with you, she will come around.
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She won't talk to me because I brought up some old problems we had
Let her know that you are interested in your future together and not your past. Tell her that you are committed to her no matter what happens or did happen. Ask her to meet you in the location where you met. Give her a list of the 50 things that you love about her. Leave little love notes around for her to find. Bringing up past issues can make a person feel insecure. Especially if she thought that you and she were beyond those issues and in a stable place within your relationship. Show her stability again.
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Actually I don't have a girlfriend but basically in my relative one girl is there that I love her but she never talked to me even on Facebook, but I propped her and also told her on Facebook but now I want to say sorry to her and I want to apologize to her so please tell me some sweet word for sorry and apologizing
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Start with a simple "I am sorry". Explain that you realize now that you were inappropriate and apologize for making her feel uncomfortable. Let her know that you are giving her space and if she wants to contact you again then it is her choice.
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She told me to send her a letter and I did not do so. So she is bored with me. She is telling me I don't love her, please help me
She was seeking an action response from you. Write her that letter. Explain in the letter how much you love and cherish her. Apologize for the tardiness of the letter. For several weeks give her a letter once a week. She needs to see that you are willing to spend the time expressing your feelings to her in the form of written words. Show her that you are willing.
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So I'm 16 and I love my girlfriend. I haven't felt this way about anything. It is totally different, I have been with her for 8 months but it seems like she doesn't want to kiss me anymore or hold my hand tight, and I don't know what to do anymore. We fight all the time because I don't know what to say, my longest relationship was 3 months and that was my first girlfriend. My girlfriend now is my second one... is there anyway you can help??
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During the teenage years you are developing your adult personality. Likes, needs and wants can change over this span of time. She may be losing interest or just confused with her feelings for you. Tell her "Without you, my world would be dark." Let her know that she brightens your day when you see her. Instead of having a conversation that is leading to a fight, walk away and tell her that you respect yourself and her too much to keep fighting.
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I haven't spoken to my girl since 3 days, the reason of that is because she brought the fact that she is talking to this really old boyfriend, and since she is away (traveling) and I don't get to talk to her often I got really mad and stopped the conversation and didn't talk since.
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Call her and say "I have been thinking about you." Express how much you miss her and make plans for the next time you can see her in person again. Tell her that the time that you took was so that you could assess the relationship.
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I meet a girl on Facebook, since I saw her picture, there can't be a day passed without thinking of her
Send her a message that she has been on your mind. A message of "Your beauty has consumed me" could open a dialog with her. If she responds then you have aroused her interest in you. Take time to see what she is interested in on her Facebook page and direct the conversation towards those interests to prove that you are interested in her mind and not just her looks.
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So I accused her of being on her period (NEVER SAY THAT TO A GIRL, EVER), and I think that it's totally understandable that she's upset with me. But it's been two weeks and still she hasn't spoken with me even though I've texted her and tried to speak with her. My guess with that she needs more time away from me, which I completely understand and respect.
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Apologize and ask for her to overlook your stereotypical phrase. Explain to her that you now understand how stating that she was on her period was hurtful and will never do that again. Send her a funny card with the apology to lighten the atmosphere between you both.
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Well I have been talking to my girl lately but this night when I was talking with her she told me to hang on while she had answer another call and I just got upset ..late when she came back online I did not want to talk, she asked me why but I told her nothing..She knew that I was not happy from my face but I just continued to say nothing and hang up...later she send me a message saying that ...she know that I am upset, but she wish me goodnight. I just don't know how to say sorry and admit the facts
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Call her and let her know that you felt like she was choosing the other caller over you which caused feelings of jealousy. Explain to her that you are sorry for treating her the way that you did after you got jealous. Show her you are sorry by going out of your way to tell her little things throughout the day.
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I have lost contact with her for a long time and she was ready to contact me before 2 months, at that time I proposed her best-friend, my friends forced me to do that, I told her that, but she is unwilling to have a relationship with me
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You violated the one of the rules of friendship by showing interest in her best friend. Perhaps she feels that you are not serious about your interest with her due to your actions. Tell her that you are sorry for what you did to her friend. Let her know that you now see the proposal as a mean spirited joke between you and your friends. Ask her for just one last chance and take her on a date that you have put a lot of thought into. If she can see that you are sincerely interested, she may give you a chance.
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Ex says she needs some space she is mad at me. How long do most girls need to start talking again
Some girls walk away and never look back. Some girls need time to get over a situation before they can feel comfortable again. Your Ex has expressed to you that she needs space so honor that request by giving her space. When and if she is ready to speak with you again she will on her own initiative.
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Please help me, how can I make her talk to me or tell me a message I can send her
Send her a message that says "Even though it has not been long...I miss you".
Taking spiteful revenge on another person is not a good way to behave in a relationship. Work on understanding that she may be too busy to speak with you and that she is not rejecting you.
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I have hurt her a lot but I didn't want that to happen. All I wanted was for her to be happy and I was really loving. Now without even saying that she broke up with me. She had post a relationship with her new boyfriend on Facebook, but I know she's hurt and that's why she did this. what should I say?
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Ask her for one more chance to prove that you are sorry. Tell her that you would regret forever if she could not forgive you. Understand that her forgiving you may not mean that she will get back together with you. Let her know that you just need to her forgiveness because she meant so much to you and you apologize for ending everything so painfully when you hurt her.
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She said we should give each other some space, because I didn't call her
Text her three times a day with words of love like "Thinking of you this morning." Do not ask when she will contact you back. Instead show her that you are making the effort to contact her expecting nothing in return.
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Every time I am with her talking my words escape me and I don't know what to say. I have tried: Regular talking. I think it was caused by: I am scared
Practice what you would say to her. Pick a topic that you know she would also be interested in and basically write a speech. Say the words over and over until you can recall them quickly and then go and speak with her. Bring up the topic you practiced so that you can have a comfortable conversation with her. Be honest and tell her that you are shy but wish to speak with her.
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Me and my love of my life got into a huge fight and now she has not been talking to me for a week or two cause of my ex was hanging on me when I told my ex to stop then she kissed me and my love walked into the room what do I do, I don't want to lose her but she won't hear my side of the story please help.
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She has lost trust in you. The best way to get her back is to prove to her that she can trust you. Write her a letter explaining how you did not kiss your Ex. Promise to avoid this Ex as there seems to be an issue with her chasing you. Let your girlfriend know that she is the most important thing to you.
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It was underhanded for your Ex to do this to you and it looks like she got the results she wanted because now your girlfriend is not speaking to you. In your letter explain how you do not want your Ex to be successful in breaking the two of you up.
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I fall in love with my friend's wife, I think she also. Last night I sent an SMS, she reply it is more childish, leave it think about future. She live alone with any separation with her husband.. I have tried: N/a. I think it was caused by: N/a
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The problem started when I went to see her parents and uncle without her knowledge. However, she keeps on telling me that if she does not marry me, I must be the one who reject her
You may have been crossing a personal boundary that she was not ready for you to cross yet. Give her assurance that you are not going to reject her. Show her that you do have the intent for marriage but setting a wedding date and making plans for the ceremony. Since she is not answering your calls then write her a letter mapping out your intentions and send her flowers.
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I have lost her trust, for no reason. Its my past that haunts me and I had a few drinks and start to be all paranoid and crazy. I realize the alcohol is the problem and am addressing that. But I feel like I really lost her this time. I am very sad
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If you don't trust your girlfriend and she said she wants no part of your relationship, then you have to just let her go. Trust is the foundation of a relationship and it's absolutely essential. If your girlfriend did nothing wrong and you accused her of something, then it's best to just respect her wishes. The only thing you can do is apologize and let her go. Focus on taking care of yourself and work on the issues that caused you problems, such as drinking and paranoid behavior. If you do that, you will gain better self-esteem and it can help with your trust issues. If it's too hard to do on your own, you can seek outside help from professionals. If your girlfriend wants to come back to you, she will when she is ready. Do not pressure her or try to convince her of anything, as it will only make the situation worse. If she wants to be with you, she will come around.
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She won't talk to me because I brought up some old problems we had
Let her know that you are interested in your future together and not your past. Tell her that you are committed to her no matter what happens or did happen. Ask her to meet you in the location where you met. Give her a list of the 50 things that you love about her. Leave little love notes around for her to find. Bringing up past issues can make a person feel insecure. Especially if she thought that you and she were beyond those issues and in a stable place within your relationship. Show her stability again.
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Actually I don't have a girlfriend but basically in my relative one girl is there that I love her but she never talked to me even on Facebook, but I propped her and also told her on Facebook but now I want to say sorry to her and I want to apologize to her so please tell me some sweet word for sorry and apologizing
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Start with a simple "I am sorry". Explain that you realize now that you were inappropriate and apologize for making her feel uncomfortable. Let her know that you are giving her space and if she wants to contact you again then it is her choice.
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She told me to send her a letter and I did not do so. So she is bored with me. She is telling me I don't love her, please help me
She was seeking an action response from you. Write her that letter. Explain in the letter how much you love and cherish her. Apologize for the tardiness of the letter. For several weeks give her a letter once a week. She needs to see that you are willing to spend the time expressing your feelings to her in the form of written words. Show her that you are willing.
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So I'm 16 and I love my girlfriend. I haven't felt this way about anything. It is totally different, I have been with her for 8 months but it seems like she doesn't want to kiss me anymore or hold my hand tight, and I don't know what to do anymore. We fight all the time because I don't know what to say, my longest relationship was 3 months and that was my first girlfriend. My girlfriend now is my second one... is there anyway you can help??
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During the teenage years you are developing your adult personality. Likes, needs and wants can change over this span of time. She may be losing interest or just confused with her feelings for you. Tell her "Without you, my world would be dark." Let her know that she brightens your day when you see her. Instead of having a conversation that is leading to a fight, walk away and tell her that you respect yourself and her too much to keep fighting.
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I haven't spoken to my girl since 3 days, the reason of that is because she brought the fact that she is talking to this really old boyfriend, and since she is away (traveling) and I don't get to talk to her often I got really mad and stopped the conversation and didn't talk since.
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Call her and say "I have been thinking about you." Express how much you miss her and make plans for the next time you can see her in person again. Tell her that the time that you took was so that you could assess the relationship.
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I meet a girl on Facebook, since I saw her picture, there can't be a day passed without thinking of her
Send her a message that she has been on your mind. A message of "Your beauty has consumed me" could open a dialog with her. If she responds then you have aroused her interest in you. Take time to see what she is interested in on her Facebook page and direct the conversation towards those interests to prove that you are interested in her mind and not just her looks.
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So I accused her of being on her period (NEVER SAY THAT TO A GIRL, EVER), and I think that it's totally understandable that she's upset with me. But it's been two weeks and still she hasn't spoken with me even though I've texted her and tried to speak with her. My guess with that she needs more time away from me, which I completely understand and respect.
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Apologize and ask for her to overlook your stereotypical phrase. Explain to her that you now understand how stating that she was on her period was hurtful and will never do that again. Send her a funny card with the apology to lighten the atmosphere between you both.
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Well I have been talking to my girl lately but this night when I was talking with her she told me to hang on while she had answer another call and I just got upset ..late when she came back online I did not want to talk, she asked me why but I told her nothing..She knew that I was not happy from my face but I just continued to say nothing and hang up...later she send me a message saying that ...she know that I am upset, but she wish me goodnight. I just don't know how to say sorry and admit the facts
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Call her and let her know that you felt like she was choosing the other caller over you which caused feelings of jealousy. Explain to her that you are sorry for treating her the way that you did after you got jealous. Show her you are sorry by going out of your way to tell her little things throughout the day.
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I have lost contact with her for a long time and she was ready to contact me before 2 months, at that time I proposed her best-friend, my friends forced me to do that, I told her that, but she is unwilling to have a relationship with me
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You violated the one of the rules of friendship by showing interest in her best friend. Perhaps she feels that you are not serious about your interest with her due to your actions. Tell her that you are sorry for what you did to her friend. Let her know that you now see the proposal as a mean spirited joke between you and your friends. Ask her for just one last chance and take her on a date that you have put a lot of thought into. If she can see that you are sincerely interested, she may give you a chance.
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Ex says she needs some space she is mad at me. How long do most girls need to start talking again
Some girls walk away and never look back. Some girls need time to get over a situation before they can feel comfortable again. Your Ex has expressed to you that she needs space so honor that request by giving her space. When and if she is ready to speak with you again she will on her own initiative.
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Please help me, how can I make her talk to me or tell me a message I can send her
Send her a message that says "Even though it has not been long...I miss you".
Taking spiteful revenge on another person is not a good way to behave in a relationship. Work on understanding that she may be too busy to speak with you and that she is not rejecting you.
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I have hurt her a lot but I didn't want that to happen. All I wanted was for her to be happy and I was really loving. Now without even saying that she broke up with me. She had post a relationship with her new boyfriend on Facebook, but I know she's hurt and that's why she did this. what should I say?
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Ask her for one more chance to prove that you are sorry. Tell her that you would regret forever if she could not forgive you. Understand that her forgiving you may not mean that she will get back together with you. Let her know that you just need to her forgiveness because she meant so much to you and you apologize for ending everything so painfully when you hurt her.
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She said we should give each other some space, because I didn't call her
Text her three times a day with words of love like "Thinking of you this morning." Do not ask when she will contact you back. Instead show her that you are making the effort to contact her expecting nothing in return.
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Every time I am with her talking my words escape me and I don't know what to say. I have tried: Regular talking. I think it was caused by: I am scared
Practice what you would say to her. Pick a topic that you know she would also be interested in and basically write a speech. Say the words over and over until you can recall them quickly and then go and speak with her. Bring up the topic you practiced so that you can have a comfortable conversation with her. Be honest and tell her that you are shy but wish to speak with her.
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Me and my love of my life got into a huge fight and now she has not been talking to me for a week or two cause of my ex was hanging on me when I told my ex to stop then she kissed me and my love walked into the room what do I do, I don't want to lose her but she won't hear my side of the story please help.
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She has lost trust in you. The best way to get her back is to prove to her that she can trust you. Write her a letter explaining how you did not kiss your Ex. Promise to avoid this Ex as there seems to be an issue with her chasing you. Let your girlfriend know that she is the most important thing to you.
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It was underhanded for your Ex to do this to you and it looks like she got the results she wanted because now your girlfriend is not speaking to you. In your letter explain how you do not want your Ex to be successful in breaking the two of you up.
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I fall in love with my friend's wife, I think she also. Last night I sent an SMS, she reply it is more childish, leave it think about future. She live alone with any separation with her husband.. I have tried: N/a. I think it was caused by: N/a
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