
所以用复数,derive这个动作是both northern and southern Indian alphabets发出的:首先,是GMAT的常考点这里from which derive both the norther and the southern alphabets是1个倒装结构,就近修饰上1个分句的末尾词,from which 从句意上是修饰的script。恢复成正常语序是。像这种介词开头的倒装的主谓搭配:both the northern and southern indian alphabets derive from the script.因此,而不是it第2:介词短语提前+which
恢复成正常语序是:介词短语提前+which。像这种介词开头的倒装的主谓搭配,就近修饰上1个分句的末尾词,所以用复数,而不是it第2:both the northern and southern indian alphabets derive from the script.因此:首先,from which 从句意上是修饰的script,derive这个动作是both northern and southern Indian alphabets发出的,是GMAT的常考点这里from which derive both the norther and the southern alphabets是1个倒装结构
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1. GWD21-Q1:According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.A.with speeds much higher than isB.with speeds that are much higher than areC.at much higher speeds as areD.at much higher speeds than thatE.at speeds much higher than are(E)问题1、补出原句后再省略和答案不一样: & & 有NN说,E的原句是:at speeds (that are) much higher than speeds that are currently possible。我觉得第一个that are后面都是speeds的定从,第二个that are是第二个speeds的定语,两个都可省,即at speeds much higher than speeds currently possible。然后speeds又一样,省略,结果就是at speeds much higher than currently possible,但E中多了个are。不太明白这是为什么,是我省略有问题么?想请教下大家问题2、 D选项中at much higher speeds 和E中at speeds much higher than 有差别么?能不能补出原句让我看下?谢谢大家!OG251. The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with
its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's. .A. its numbers are now five times greater thanB. its numbers are now five times more thanC.extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they wereD.extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had(A)E.extinction, now with numbers five times greater than请问E中这个with做的是伴随状语吗?因为解析说 the phrase confusingly seems to parallel with extinction我就不明白了,什么是parallel... 还有now的用法正确么?本来now是和when..做比较的,现在提到句首来我觉得从句意上理解仍旧是比较哇~以上就是偶的问题~提前谢过大家啦~Y(^_^)Y以上就是偶的问题~提前谢过大家啦~Y(^_^)Y
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第一个题目好阴险,我昨天也做错了,今天恰巧在总结According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines at speeds much higher than are currently possible.这个里面是speeds的比较:an alliance...would enable customers to receive ...at speeds much higher than are currently possible.--& an alliance...would enable customers to receive ...at speeds much higher than [speeds( that are) currently possible].省略了speeds that,只保留了are我认为,这里的much higher than...都是用来修饰speeds这个名词的,所以不存在有些人说的是与customer的比较被省略的speeds that里面,that是作为定语从句修饰speedsD选项,不能用that指代复数名词speeds类似的,prices are higher than we expected.--& prices are higher than (prices that) we expected省略了prices that,直接保留后面的动词这个结构我们之所以会觉得奇怪,是因为真的很少见第二个题,前面有has survived a close brush with extinction,如果后面再出现with结构,很像是与with extinction并列now的用法没问题,时间状语,与when形成比较
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问题太多,先讨论第一个问题。我觉得如果按LZ说的省略的话,前面speeds 后的应该是 would be much higher. 后面才是are. 所以than 后面are 不能省略,强调时态不同。
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问题太多,先讨论第一个问题。我觉得如果按LZ说的省略的话,前面speeds 后的应该是 would be much higher. 后面才是are. 所以than 后面are 不能省略,强调时态不同。-- by 会员 kiwifoodtown ( 9:50:43)
同学你说的很在理诶,因为时态不同这个are不能省。但是照理说,前面补出后,speeds that would be much higher..这里也不能省略啊二楼的同学给了个例子:类似的,prices are higher than we expected.--& prices are higher than (prices that) we expected省略了prices that,直接保留后面的动词为啥他省略前面保留后面啊?
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第一个题目好阴险,我昨天也做错了,今天恰巧在总结According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines at speeds much higher than are currently possible.这个里面是speeds的比较:an alliance...would enable customers to receive ...at speeds much higher than are currently possible.--& an alliance...would enable customers to receive ...at speeds much higher than [speeds( that are) currently possible].省略了speeds that,只保留了are我认为,这里的much higher than...都是用来修饰speeds这个名词的,所以不存在有些人说的是与customer的比较被省略的speeds that里面,that是作为定语从句修饰speedsD选项,不能用that指代复数名词speeds类似的,prices are higher than we expected.--& prices are higher than (prices that) we expected省略了prices that,直接保留后面的动词这个结构我们之所以会觉得奇怪,是因为真的很少见第二个题,前面有has survived a close brush with extinction,如果后面再出现with结构,很像是与with extinction并列now的用法没问题,时间状语,与when形成比较-- by 会员 MiaZhang ( 9:42:15)
我看到了你的总结,很棒!我同意“much higher than...都是用来修饰speeds这个名词的”,不过楼下的同学又提出了关于省略的新看法,有空一起看一看哈~
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kiwifoodtown同学~我又仔细想了想,我觉得第一个at speeds,这里不是would be much higher。因为,at speeds that would be much higher,意思是“在这样一个速度下,这个速度在将来会比现在的速度快”不管是多快的速度,即便现在无法达到,但是不论什么时候,用数字都是可以衡量,即可比较的。“速度 ”这个概念本身没有未来、现在之分。所以,速度的比较都应该用一般现在时。我不知道我说没说明白。。。。T^T
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我认真把Mia的总结贴读了一遍,发现这句话,和我们讨论的差不多:A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than (it was) five years ago. [it was]不能省略,因为than前面没有相应的状语结构 只不过这句话里保留了it,GWD那道省略了speeds。。
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问题太多,先讨论第一个问题。我觉得如果按LZ说的省略的话,前面speeds 后的应该是 would be much higher. 后面才是are. 所以than 后面are 不能省略,强调时态不同。-- by 会员 kiwifoodtown ( 9:50:43)
同学你说的很在理诶,因为时态不同这个are不能省。但是照理说,前面补出后,speeds that would be much higher..这里也不能省略啊二楼的同学给了个例子:类似的,prices are higher than we expected.--& prices are higher than (prices that) we expected省略了prices that,直接保留后面的动词为啥他省略前面保留后面啊?-- by 会员 媛子大人 ( 12:52:51)
想了一下,at speeds (that are) much higher than speeds that are currently possible。应该是正确的还原。在时态,谓语都一致的情况下,省略掉重复,但又保留基本语义后,就是E了,are 不能省,省略后比较结构的前后都会缺少主要成分可能会引起歧义。
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at speeds much higher than are currently possiblespeeds后面没有必要再出现would了,因为前面有would enable cutomers...已经表示将来的时态了
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怎么看出47是最大质因数的? 比如51=3×17& && & 50=2×5×5& && &&&49=7×7虽然可以把51和50比,或者把50和49比,两者质因数不一样,但是明显3比5小,5和2都比7小。[此贴子已经被作者于 18:24:27编辑过]
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以下是引用puccamummy在 17:56:00的发言:怎么看出47是最大质因数的?比如51=3×17& && & 50=2×5×5& && &&&49=7×7虽然可以把51和50比,或者把50和49比,两者质因数不一样,但是明显3比5小,5和2都比7小。两个数互质说明除1以外没共同因子。因为2-50是h(100)的因子,所以不是h(100)+1的因子。而2到50中最大的质数是47。所以h(100)+1的质因子必然大于47。
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以下是引用forgetee在 23:39:00的发言:还是不明白。有哪位xdjm在帮忙讲讲,不知道47是怎么来的。不会是乘了一遍出来的吧?多谢两个数互质说明除1以外没共同因子。因为2-50是h(100)的因子,所以不是h(100)+1的因子。而<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" color=#到50中最大的质数是47。(从50倒查至47即知47是最大的质数)所以h(100)+1的质因子必然大于47。
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以下是引用harrischen在 22:39:00的发言:1.感觉题目有点问题,能把原题贴出来吗?2."interest the x-axis?"写错了吧,个人理解应该是2个X轴的截距意思.根据条件2可推出ab=-6,(x+a)*(x+b)=0 得出x平方+(a+b)x+ab=0,可解出x=-3,x=2 所以选C由条件二怎么得出ab= -6?
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