monkey king t恤和themonkey king t恤有什么区别

He acts as the monkey-king.
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The Monkey King
Release Date:
July 26th, 2011
Fighter, Tank
5.1 (+0.65)
Mana Regen:
6.95 (+0.65)
Move Speed:
Attack Damage:
54.5 (+3.2)
Attack Speed:
0.658 (+3.0%)
Magic Resist:
30 (+1.25)
During the chaos of the Rune Wars, an enormous runestone was lost deep within the Plague Jungles. It remained there, untouched for centuries, emanating a potent magic which infused nearby wildlife with sentience and vitality. A group of monkeys who were particularly empowered by it came to worship the stone, and their leader - a wise sage - became convinced that he could harness its power to make the monkeys immortal. He performed an elaborate ritual, but things didn't go as he expected. The runestone was destroyed, and instead of granting immortality, it produced Kong, a monkey who carried in his heart the strength and power it had contained. Kong was driven by an unquenchable desire for greatness. He sought out every beast and monster the Plague Jungles could offer, eager to find a worthy opponent, but none offered the challenge he craved. He asked the sage for advice, and learned about a legend of hairless monkeys to the north who, with wits and might, had bent the world to their will.
Wukong left, journeying north, determined to discover if the legend was true. He crossed the Southern Wastes and then the Great Barrier. On his way, he happened upon Master Yi, who was deep in meditation. Kong asked him who the strongest warrior in the north was, and Yi told him about the League of Legends. The tale intoxicated Kong, a place where he could battle the strongest fighters in the world was, to him, paradise. Kong asked Yi to introduce him to this League, and to teach him the ways of humans, so that he could be a fitting champion. In return, he would honor Yi by using Yi's Wuju style to become the greatest warrior Runeterra had ever seen. Admiring his passion, Yi agreed, but under the condition that Kong would one day teach the lessons of Wuju to a pupil of his own. In the spirit of this agreement, he renamed Kong Wukong, and gave him a weapon suited to his unusual nature - an enchanted staff that the young Doran had crafted. The weapon was an unrivalled masterpiece. Guided by Yi, Wukong joined the League of Legends to prove himself as the best, and to show the world the true power of Wuju.
"Only in combat do you learn who you truly are."
PassiveStone Skin
(Innate) Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased by 4 / 6 / 8 for each nearby enemy champion.
Range: 1400
QCrushing Blow
(Active) Wukong's next attack, within 5 seconds, will have an additional 125 range, will deal additional physical damage and will reduce the enemy's armor by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% for 3 seconds.
Cost: 40 mana
Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds
Total Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+1.1 per attack damage)
(Active) Wukong becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy that doesn't attack or move from the place he activated it. The decoy will deal magic damage to nearby enemies after 1.5 seconds.
AoE: 350 (estimate)
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana
Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds
Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.6 per ability power)
Additional Information about the Skill:
Decoy displays fake versions of Blue, Red, and Baron buffs.
ENimbus Strike
(Active) Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck. He also gains an attack speed bonus for 4 seconds after hitting a target with this skill.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Range: 625 (estimate)
Maximum AoE: 375 (estimate)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 mana
Physical Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage)
Attack Speed Bonus: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
(Active) Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around for up to 4 seconds, dealing damage every second and knocking up enemies once per cast. Wukong gains 5% movement speed bonus every half second for the duration of the spell, with the bonus disappearing once he stops spinning. Wukong cannot attack or use other abilities while Cyclone is on, but he can deactivate it at any time.
Cost: 100 mana
Aoe: 325 (estimate)
Cooldown: 120 / 105 / 90 seconds
Physical Damage per Second: 20 / 110 / 200
Attack Damage)
Total Physical Damage: 80 / 440 / 800
Attack Damage)
Win %
Picked/Banned in % of Games
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Win %
Picked/Banned in % of Games
E - Nimbus Strike
WUJU STYLE?: Nimbus Strike will no longer pick a secondary target if they're targetable but invisible due to Fog of War
Wukong's armor shred on Crushing Blow now scales with level (starts out lower before ending up at his old value). Cyclone's total attack damage ratio has been reduced.
"Statistically, Wukong's performed very well since his launch, despite being played in a number of positions (top, mid, and jungle). Now that Wu's found a position that circumvents his natural weaknesses, we can tune some of his high damage - particularly when he comes roaring out of the jungle with raw offensive items. We considered other options but realized most didn't do enough to tackle his overbearing damage in the early ranks (as an example, removing the armor shred on Crushing Blow versus neutral monsters has minimal impact if you consider how much armor they begin with)."
Q - Crushing Blow
ARMOR SHRED: 30% at all ranks => 10/15/20/25/30%
R - Cyclone
ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO: 1.2 per second (4.8 total) => 1.1 per second (4.4 total)
Base Movement Speed increased by 25.
Crushing Blow now grants an additional 125 attack range for the attack
Fixed a bug with Crushing Blow that would cause it to cancel when chasing an enemy
Fixed animation bugs for Jade Dragon Wukong skin
Cyclone's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after using
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow could reduce the armor of shred-immune units (, )
Crushing Blow
Total attack damage ratio increased to 1.1 from 1.0
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow did not display critical strikes or benefit from life steal
Casting Decoy no longer instantly shows a reduction in Wukong's mana bar to enemies
Fixed a bug where Wukong's stealth state did not ignore unit collision
Improved general Decoy behavior and placement - the Decoy should now more accurately mimic Wukong's previous position and behavior
Wukong is now pushed forward slightly when using Decoy, rather than the Decoy being pushed back from Wukong's position
Nimbus Strike
Attack speed bonus increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
Fixed a bug where
could get stuck in their dash animations
Wukong will now attempt to attack a target champion after using Nimbus Strike
Cyclone attack damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1.0
Wukong is now properly considered melee for items and spells that differentiate between melee and ranged characters
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow was shredding the target's base armor rather than total armor
Classic Wukong
Original Art for Classic Wukong
Chinese Art for Classic Wukong
Volcanic Wukong - 975
Chinese Art for Volcanic Wukong
General Wukong - 975
Chinese Art for General Wukong
Jade Dragon Wukong - 975
Chinese Art for Jade Dragon Wukong
Underworld Wukong - 975The Monkey King Official Website and Social Universe Global Star Productions , Donnie Yen Chow Yun Fat Producers Michael Wehrhahn, Robert Harris当前位置: &
the monkey king是什么意思
中文翻译美版西游记齐天大圣:&&&& hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&n. 1.猴子;猿〔cf. ape〕;长毛猴的毛皮。 2 ...:&&&&n. 1.王,国王,君主 (opp. subject); ...
例句与用法Among them the monkey king would be the best one在它们当中猴王将会是最好的一个。 In comparison , the monkey king is a lone ranger相比较而言,孙悟空是一个孤胆英雄。 The monkey king - quest for the sutra part i天大圣孙悟空第一辑The monkey king thrice teases princess iron fan戏铁扇公主If i tell you i ' m not the monkey king , what do you to do至尊宝:如果我告诉你我不是孙悟空你会怎么样? But the monkey king with the well trained mind remained calm但是国王受过良好训练的大脑依然保持着冷静。 However , when he was defeated , he kowtowed to the monkey king , saying , " oh结果,等一下孙悟空抓住他,他就在那里磕头:哦! Laughter we should be like the monkey king . if we are too weak , we will be intimidated by maya大众笑我们应该这样才对,如果太软弱就会被鬼魔恐吓住。 The monkey king took the golden ringed staff from his ear and told them how he had gotten the treasure猴王从耳中取出金箍棒,对猴儿们说了得宝经过,再连叫几声“大! The monkey king described in the book is very , very smart . he has the power to transform himself into seventy - two different forms书中写孙悟空他非常非常的聪明,还会七十二变化的神通。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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