
日 15:18 来源:京华时报
内容摘要:昨天(5日),北京体育大学和香港中文大学(深圳)招生处相关负责人在做客《教育面对面》广播节目时介绍,两所学校都在提前批次招生,报考北体体育教育等三专业的考生需参加本周六举行的体育专业考试,港中大深圳校区预计今年招生计划将增加。但有三个专业要参加本周六(4月 9日)举行的体育专业考试,包括体育教育、社会体育指导与管理、休闲体育。香港中文大学(深圳)招办主任张韶峰介绍,该校与香港中文大学属同一品牌、同一教学模式和课程设置,但属于不同校园,最终毕业于深圳校区的学生将拿到香港中文大学的学位证书,同时获颁香港中文大学(深圳)的学历。学费方面,港中大深圳校区与本部的学费是相当的,比如本部一年学费是12.5万元港币左右,而深圳校区是每学年9.5万元人民币。
&  港中大深圳校区有望增在京招生计划&  昨天(5日),北京体育大学和香港中文大学(深圳)招生处相关负责人在做客《教育面对面》广播节目时介绍,两所学校都在提前批次招生,报考北体体育教育等三专业的考生需参加本周六举行的体育专业考试,港中大深圳校区预计今年招生计划将增加。  北京体育大学招办王大勇介绍,去年该校在京招生计划110人,其中体育类45人,非体育类专业65人。所有专业都在提前批次招生,今年在京计划基本上维持不变。  王大勇介绍,北体普通类专业对单科成绩没有要求,也不需要参加体育类统测。但有三个专业要参加本周六(4月9日)举行的体育专业考试,包括体育教育、社会体育指导与管理、休闲体育。  录取方面,体育类专业的录取规则是从投档考生当中,根据体育成绩从高分到低分择优录取;普通文史理工类投档考生中根据高考文化成绩从高分到低分择优录取。“作为体育类院校中唯一一所211工程院校,报考我们学校普通类的考生,至少达到北京市的一本线,这是一个硬性要求。从往年录取情况来看,前年普通类专业最低分比一本线高出10分左右,去年高出10分至15分。”王大勇说。  香港中文大学(深圳)招办主任张韶峰介绍,该校与香港中文大学属同一品牌、同一教学模式和课程设置,但属于不同校园,最终毕业于深圳校区的学生将拿到香港中文大学的学位证书,同时获颁香港中文大学(深圳)的学历。  港中大深圳校区今年在京招生进入第三年。张韶峰透露,前两年在京计划逐年增加。2014年招10人,去年15人,其中文科5人,理科10人,最后文科又追加了2名,热门专业都在北京有投放。  学费方面,港中大深圳校区与本部的学费是相当的,比如本部一年学费是12.5万元港币左右,而深圳校区是每学年9.5万元人民币。但学校也设立了非常高的奖学金,各类加起来每年有将近10%的优秀学生因为学业能力条件,不用花钱入校读书。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(责编:王肖 实习)
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& & & &香港中文大学(深圳)是由香港中文大学、深圳大学及深圳市政府根据《中外合作办学条例》联合创办的,是一所研究型、具前瞻思维、不以盈利为目的的大学,着重发展前沿学科和交叉学科的教学与研究,致力于培育具有国际视野、专业知识、才德兼备及对社会有承担的人才。
The&Chinese&University&of Hong Kong, Shenzhen [CUHK(SZ)] is a new, independent university established through a Memorandum of Understanding between The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK),&Shenzhen&University&and the Shenzhen Municipal Government. The new University is a research-orientated, forward-thinking, non-profit- making University which places emphasis on cross-disciplinary teaching and research. CUHK(SZ) will nurture university graduates who are international in outlook, learned in the disciplines they follow, upright in their character, and committed to serving the needs of society.
CUHK(SZ) will draw upon CUHK's traditions of academic excellence and the teaching quality is benchmarked to that of the CUHK; it is a research university of choice located in Shenzhen, firmly rooted in&China, and endowed with a global vision. Students will be provided with an educational experience distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, a college system, whole-person general education, bilingualism as well as multiculturalism. With the mission of advancing the creation, preservation, application and dissemination of knowledge through the pursuit of excellence in teaching, researc and the vision of being a first-class research university regionally, nationally and internationally, CUHK(SZ) will provide world-class educational opportunities to students and nurture talents for Shenzhen, the PRD Region and&China&as a whole. CUHK(SZ) has admitted its first cohort of over 300 undergraduates in September 2014 and will admit another 650 undergraduate and post-graduate students in 2015.
CUHK(SZ) provides all staff with a rewarding career. Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK(SZ) and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labour laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
CUHK(SZ) now invites applications and nominations for all the job openings advertised on the University's website www..
职位空缺Job Vacancies
行政/技术助理职位Assistant/Technical Supporting
部门&Hiring Unit
Assistant (Ref.)
Student Affairs Office
System Development Assistant (Ref.)
IT Services Office
Student Affairs Assistant 1 (Ref.)
Student Affairs Office
Assistant for Admissions Office (Ref.)
Admissions Office
Clerk (Ref.)
Research Administration Office
Executive Assistant (Ref.)
Research Administration Office
Clerk for School of Humanities and Social Science (Ref.)
School&of&Humanities&and Social Science
Executive Assistant for School of Humanities and Social Science
School&of&Humanities&and Social Science
Career Development Executive (Ref.)
School of Humanities and Social Science
行政/专业管理职位Management/ Professional Post
部门&Hiring Unit
Manager (Ref.)
Student Affairs Office
Officer (Ref.)
Communications and Public Relations Office
Subject Librarian (Ref.)
Executive Officer - Shaw College Office (Ref.)
Shaw College Office
College Manager - Shaw College Office (Ref.)
Institutional Development Manager& (Ref.)
School&of&Management&and Economics
Graduate Programme Manager& (Ref.)& (Ref.)
School&of&Management&and Economics
Application Software Officer (Ref.
IT Services Office
Web Supervisor (Ref. )
Communications and Public Relations Office
学术/教学职位Academic/Teaching Post&
部门&Hiring Unit
/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Ref.)
The&School&of&Science&and Engineering
Professor/Assistant Professor in Marketing (Ref.)
Professor/Assistant Professor in Management (Ref.)
Lecturer /Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer & Translation/Interpreting
Social Science
Professor/Assistant Professor & Translation & Interpreting Studies
Social Science
Lecturer/ Lecturer & General Education (Humanities/Social Science)
Social Science
Lecturer/ Lecturer & General Education (Natural Science) (Ref.)
Social Science
Assistant Lecturer & English Language (Ref.)
Social Science
Assistant Lecturer & Information Technology (Ref.)
Social Science
Assistant Lecturer & Physical Education (Ref.)
Social Science
Researchers , Economics, Finance and Accounting (Ref.)
Dean of Graduate Programme (Ref.)
/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Accounting (Ref.)
/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Operations Management
/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Economics and Finance
Associate - Economics (Ref.)
Assistant - Programming (Ref.)
Assistant - Programming (Ref. )
Assistant - Statistics (Ref.)
Teaching Assistant - Chinese (Ref.)
School of Humanities and Social Science
&&&1)&如申请&行政/技术助理职位&,&请将您完整的中、英文简历和职位申请表(可在www.)连同三位推荐人姓名发送至邮箱:,&邮件题目请标明: &Reference & Job title & Full name of applicant &&高校人才网&;
&&&&&2)&如申请&行政/专业管理职位&,&请将您完整的中、英文简历和职位申请表(可在www.)连同三位推荐人姓名发送至邮箱:,&邮件题目请标明: &Reference & Job title & Full name of applicant &&高校人才网&;
&&&&&3)&如申请&学术/教学职位&,&请将您完整的中、英文简历和职位申请表(可在www.)连同各种资质证书复印件、出版作品清单和/或节选摘要、近期教学相关资料如教学评估等发送至邮箱:;&请至少三位推荐人将推荐信直接发送至邮箱:&,&邮件题目请标明: &Reference & Job title & Full name of applicant &&高校人才网&.。
职位描述&Post Specification
行政/技术助理职位&Assistant/Technical Supporting Post
应聘者须具备:&(i)&学士或以上学历,英语、中文、新闻及其他文科专业优先考虑; (ii) 1年以上相关工作经验;(iii)&优秀的中、英文写作及口头表达能力; (iv)&出色的执行、沟通、协调能力;&(v)&熟悉中外教育行业和深圳及珠三角地区情况。
工作职责包括:&(a)&负责校长办公室各种文书处理及写作; (b)&协助处理校内会议及与其他机构的联络事务;(c)&完成其它由上级安排的工作。(d)&须按要求于周末或非工作日上班。
Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor's degree or above, majored in English Language, Chinese Language, Journalism or other
(ii) as least 1 year relevant work experience (iii) excellent writing and communication skills in both Chinese and E (iv) excellent executive and interpersonal
(v) knowledge of Chinese and overseas higher education sector operations, especially in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta area.
Duties include: (a) being responsible for drafting and completing various docu (b) assisting in the coordination of internal meetings (c) completing other assignments as stipulate (d) on duty during weekends or non-working days as requested by the management.
学生活动中心助理&Assistant (Ref.)
3.&应用开发助理&System Development Assistant (Ref.)
应聘者须具备:i.)计算机相关专业,学士学位或以上; ii.)较好的分析问题,处理问题及解决问题的能力;iii.)较好的人际交往能力;iv.)同时处理多项工作的能力;v.)较强的团队合作精&神;vi.)主动积极性强,能独立完成工作;vii.)较好的中英文书写及口语能力;viii.)熟悉Oracle或SQL Server数据库平台,拥有Oracle认证(OCP)优先考虑;ix.)熟练使用以下平台:HTML5,SQL,HTML,Java/J2EE,CSS,JavaScript,Java,PHP,XML,Ajax等;
4.&学生事务助理1 Student Affairs Assistant 1 (Ref.)
5.招生助理&Assistant for Admissions Office (Ref.)
应聘者须具备:(i)&学士学位及以上,中文、新闻、市场营销及广告学专业优先; (ii)&就学期间曾担任学校大型活动的组织者或策划者、有办公室行政工作经验者优先; (iii)&有良好的文字功底,熟悉公文写作;(iv)&工作细致认真,条理性好,工作态度积极主动,谈吐大方得体; (v)&熟悉各类办公软件,应聘者需携带自己制作的PPT,介绍自己的工作经历及对未来的工作的认识; (vi)&能够适应出差,&并能够在压力下完成工作。
工作职责包括:(a)&负责招生宣传工作; (b)&安排活动行程及各类票据的处理; (c)&协助策划招生宣传活动; (d)&接听招生热线电话,接待来访的学生及家长; (e)&处理部门日常行政事务; (f)&与校内其他部门沟通联络; (g)&执行由上级委派的其他工作。
Position Specification:Applicants should have (i) a B (ii) good command of both written and spoken English and C (iii) at least 1 year admin (iv) the ability to work independently, show initiative and take full responsibility for (v) familiarity with O (vi) desirable work ethics.
Duties include (a) providing clerical support to daily office operations in&School&of&Humanities&and Social S (b) providing administrative service among departments/ (c) assisting in liaising with various schools/ (d) any other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
The appointee is expected to commence work in December 2015.
9.行政助理&Executive Assistant for School of Humanities and Social Science (Ref.)
Position Specification:Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor degree, a higher degree and overseas higher education background (ii) very good command of both written and spoken English and C (iii) at least 1 year post-qualification administrative or (iv) the ability to work independently, show initiative and take full responsibility for (v) familiarity with Office system & P (vi) understanding of university structure a (vii) desirable work ethics.
Duties include (a) assisting in publicity work in School of Humanities and Social S (b) providing administrative service among departments/ (c) assisting in organizing and coordinati (d) drafting memos and docu (e) assisting in liaising with various schools/departments
(f) any other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
The appointee is expected to commence work in December 2015.&
10.行政助理&-&学生就业指导&Career Development Executive Assistant for School of Humanities and Social Science (Ref.)
Position Specification:Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor degree (a more advanced degree and overseas education background would be advantageous); (ii) good command of both written and spoken language skills in English and C (iii) at least 3 year post-qualification administrative or relevant experience in career development, preferably with t requirements may be relaxed to a certain extent if applicants have a good connection with enterprises' HR (iv) ability and initiative to work independently.
Duties include (a) providing counseling on SHSS MA students' (b) organizing career workshops, study tour, and industry information sessions for SHSS MA (c) maintaining social connections with partner companies/ (d) other duties as prescribed by the supervisor.
行政/专业管理职位&Management/ Professional Post
1.&学生事务处经理&Manager - Student Affairs Office (Ref.)
The applicant should have a) a Bachelor or preferably a higher degree in Education/Psychol b)at least 5 years' post-qualification working related experiences, preferabl c)a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, and good o d)good interpersonal and liaison skills, and an ability to lead a team to work on multiple
e)the ability to handle emergenci f) good command of English and Chinese.
Duties include i) organizing variou ii) supervising staff and handling general depar iii) keeping liaison with students, academics, and other Uni v)assisting in planning, preparation and review of student related matters including financial aid program, student hostel management, student orientation and summer program, student information system, international student recruitment and management, mental health education, etc.; and vi) undertaking other assignment assigned by the supervisor. Working during non-office hours for student services/activities may be needed.
2.&传讯与公共关系主管&Officer - Communications and Public Relations Office (Ref.)
应聘者须具备:(i) 985/211或国外院校理工科专业本科毕业,具有硕士或博士研究学位优先;(ii) 3年以上大学或研究图书馆学科馆员工作的成功经验,或大学毕业后全职研究工作经验(有国外研究型大学工作经验者优先考虑);(iii)&熟悉学科发展趋势,关注跟踪学科资源发展; (iv)&熟练使用专业数据库和工具书,掌握基本信息技术工具,编制简单程序工具;(v)&较好的交流技能和培训授课能力;(vi)&掌握读者和资源使用的统计数据的收集整理和分析工具和方法。
工作职责包括:(a)馆藏资源建设包括图书和期刊(印刷和电子),以及网络资源;(b)服务空间管理包括培训教室,阅览区域,家具和设备;(c)管&理非专业图书馆工作人员和学生工作人员;(d)执行经费预算和指导资源采购;(e)处理供应商关系和外单位协作关系;(f)参与课程建设并承担院系教学和&研究需求的联络,协调和支持;(g)管理教参和学科关键资源的流通策略制定及执行;(h)&制作学科导航,资源利用课程和培训;(i)协助研究项目进行文献检索和影响因子分析;(j)跟踪服务院系学科发展,提升学科服务质量,创新服务模式,引领&学科服务导向;(k)积极参与专业学术活动,关注并更新专业知识; (l)完成其它由上级安排的工作。
4.&Executive Officer - Shaw College Office (Ref.)
Post Specification
Applicants should have i) a Bachelor' ii) at least 3 years of administrative or relevant experience, preferably with the tert iii) an excellent command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (Cantonese speaker will be preferable) ; iv) excellent interpersonal, communication and o v) the ability to work independentl vi) good IT proficiency (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.); and vii) relevant experience in event management, alumni/membership development and management, fundraising, public relations and/or communications will be advantageous.
Duties include a) assisting in organizing the College's events, especially student and fundraising e b) managing projects in the areas of College promotion, donor relation c) developing and managing i d) providing secretarial support to com e) providing secretarial support to College M f) liaison with other University departments, especially Shaw College of CUHK; and g) performing other tasks as assigned. Irregular working hours (including evenings, weekends, and holidays) will be required occasionally.
5.&&College Manager - Shaw College Office (Ref.)
&经管学院拓展与筹募经理Institutional Development Manager (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor or preferably a higher degree in fina (ii) at least 8 years' post-qualification working experience, preferably in product promotion, Internet marketing, (iii) good command of both Chinese and E (iv) good interpersonal and liaison skills, and an ability to lead a project team to work on multiple
(v) a high level of computer literacy including proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerP and (vi) a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, and good organizational skills.
The primary duty is to provide administrative and logistical support to the SME's institutional development, including: (a) organizing various pr (b) organizing and initiating fund raising efforts in the SME; (c) contacting potential donors and government agencies in securi (d) managing other ex (e) supervising staff and handling general o and (g) undertaking other assignments assigned by the supervisor.
Working during non-office hours as well as traveling for recruiting trips may be needed.
&经管学院研究生课程项目经理&Graduate Programme Manager& (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor or preferably a higher degree in fina (ii) at least 8 years' post-qualification working experience, preferably in product promotion, Internet marketing, an (iii) good command of both Chinese and E (iv) good interpersonal and liaison skills, and an ability to lead a project team to work on multiple
(v) a high level of computer literacy including proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerP and (vi) a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, and good organizational skills.
The primary duty is to provide administrative and logistical support to the SME's Master of Science in Finance program, including: (a) organizing various pr (b) contacting potential applicants a (c) pro (d) assistance of (e) managemen (f) supervising staff and handling general o and (g) undertaking other assignments assigned by the supervisor. Working during non-office hours as well as traveling for recruiting trips may be needed.&
8.&应用开发主管&Application Software Officer (Ref.)
应聘者须具备:i.)&计算机相关专业,学士学位,硕士学位优先; ii.)&较好的分析问题,处理问题及解决问题的能力;iii.)&较好的人际交往能力;iv.)&同时处理多项工作的能力;v.)&较强的团队合作精神;vi.)主动积极性强,能独立完成工作;vii.)&较好的中英文书写及口语能力;viii.)&至少五年以上的相关技术背景及相关项目实施经验;ix.)&熟悉Oracle或SQL Server数据库平台,拥有Oracle认证(OCP)优先考虑;x.)&熟练使用以下平台:HTML5,SQL,HTML,Java/J2EE,CSS,JavaScript,Java,PHP,XML,Ajax等;
9.网站主管&Web Supervisor (Ref. )
工作职责:(a)&维护和更新学校的官方网站; (b)&与IT部门一起解决学校官网的相关问题与故障; (c)&协调学校各部门一起处理学校内网的维护与更新; (d)&与传讯及公关关系处以及学校其他部门一起及时处理各项工作诉求; (e)&对已发布新闻、资源数据整理分析,根据分析结果对传媒推广进行把控及调整,并形成分析报告; (f)&及时与相关传媒积极沟通,进行危机公关预警及妥善处理; (g)&其它由上级安排的工作。
Web Supervisor (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a bachelor's degree or higher, preferably in graphic design, IT or related discipline. Overseas education experience w (ii) over 3 years media and website management-related work experience, particularly management on popular social platforms such as Weibo, Wechat and tieba etc. ; (iii) an excellent command of proofreading and written English and C (iv) excellent skills with a thorough knowledge of Website designing, able to take charge and manage website structure, content updates & backups with problem- (v) Good at teamwork, as well as w (vi) Skills in photography, video recording and editing would be advantage.
Duties include: (a) the University's website content development, maintenance, and updating, as it is the ultimate window of the university
(b) supervision of the University's new media channels like Weibo and W (c) being the gate keeper for all media material posted by the University for internal and external
(d) working with ITSC to resolve related technical issues associated with the University W (e) working with Internal Offices to maintain and update the University Internet and Working with CPRO and the President's Office to handle all announcements and (f) undertaking other assignment assigned by the supervisor.
学术/教学职位&Academic/Teaching Post
1. Professor /Associate Professor/Assistant Professor - The&School&of&Science&and Engineering (Ref.)
The School of Science and Engineering at CUHK(SZ) invites applications for faculty positions in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Information Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Statistical Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Bioinformatics and Genomics, Financial Engineering and Quantitative Finance.Applications in areas of Design and Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,Physics, Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering,Environmental Science and Engineering, etc., will also be considered.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (by the time of reporting for duty) and (ii) high potential in teaching and research. Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standards of excellence. Appointments will normally be made on contract basis for up to three years initially, leading to longer-term appointment or tenure later subject to review. Exceptionally, appointment with tenure can be offered forthwith to candidates of proven ability.
2. Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Marketing
The&School&of&Management&and Economics at The Chinese University of&Hong Kong, Shenzhen invites applications for faculty positions in marketing at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor levels with prospect for tenure.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (by the time of reporting duty) in marketing, preferably with strong training in new media and digital marketing or big data analysis and (ii) high potential in teaching and research.
Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standard of excellence. Appointments will normally be made on contract basis for up to three years initially, leading to longer-term appointment or tenure later subject to mutual agreement. Exceptionally, appointment with tenure can be offered forthwith to candidates of proven ability.
3. Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Management (Ref.)
The&School&of&Management&and Economics at The Chinese University of&Hong Kong, Shenzhen invites applications for faculty positions in all areas of management at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor levels with prospect for tenure.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (by the time of reporting duty) in Management or related fields and (ii) high potential in teaching and research.
Applicants should be able to teach courses in IB,&OB, or Strategy etc.
Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standard of excellence. Appointments will normally be made on contract basis for up to three years initially, leading to longer-term appointment or tenure later subject to mutual agreement. Exceptionally, appointment with tenure can be offered forthwith to candidates of proven ability.
4. Senior Lecturer /Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer & Translation/Interpreting (Ref.)
The&School&of&Humanities&and Social Science at CUHK(SZ) invites applications for faculty positions in translation and interpreting studies and/or simultaneous Interpreting at the Senior Lecturer/Lecturer/Assistant Lecturer levels.
Applicants should have (i) a higher degree, at least up to Master's level or above, in translation and interpreting studies and/or simultaneous Interpreting, and (ii) proven record of teaching excellence, and relevant experience in teaching training courses at postgraduate level.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching courses as prescribed in the
(b) designing e- and (c) assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.
The appointee is expected to commence work around July 2015, in preparation for the start of teaching in September 2015.
5. Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor & Translation & Interpreting Studies (Ref.)
The&School&of&Humanities&and Social Science at CUHK(SZ) invites applications for faculty positions in translation and interpreting studies and/or simultaneous Interpreting at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor levels with prospect for tenure.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (by the time of reporting duty) in translation and interpreting studies and/or simultaneous I and (ii) high potential in teaching and research.
Applicants should be able to teach a wide range of courses especially in core areas of translation, consecutive interpreting and/or simultaneous interpreting. Experience in supervising postgraduate students will be favorably considered.
Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standard of excellence. Appointments will normally be made on contract basis for up to three years initially, leading to longer-term appointment or tenure later subject to mutual agreement. Exceptionally, appointment with tenure can be offered forthwith to candidates of proven ability.
6. Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer & General Education (Humanities/Social Science) (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a higher degree, at least at MPhil level, in the humaniti (ii) interest and preferably experience in teaching the humanities or social science as general education subjec (iii) proficiency in Chinese and/or E and (iv) the ability to handle classic texts in the humanities. A proven record of teaching excellence and experience in leading small group seminars would be an advantage.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching a general education course on &In Dialogue with Humanity& and other relevant gener (b) designing e- and (c) assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.
The appointee is expected to commence work around May 2015, in preparation for the start of teaching in September 2015.
7. Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer & General Education (Natural Science) (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a higher degree, at least at MPhil level, in natural sc (ii) interest and preferably experience in teaching science as general education subjec (iii) proficiency in Chinese and/ or E and (iv) some knowledge of the historical development of science and its relationship with society. A proven record of teaching excellence and experience in leading small group seminars would be an advantage.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching a general education course on &In Dialogue with Nature& and other relevant gener (b) designing e- and (c) assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.
The appointee is expected to commence work around May 2015, in preparation for the start of teaching in September 2015.
8. Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer & English Language (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a higher degree, at least up to Master's level, in English language teaching or applied linguistics, with training (at least at Bachelor level) in English language and/or education and (ii) proven record of teaching excellence, and relevant experience in teaching EAP, ESP and content-based courses at tertiary level.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching University Engl (b) designing e- and (c) assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments.
The appointee is expected to commence work around August 2015, in preparation for the start of teaching in September 2015.
9. Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer & Information Technology (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a Master degree in computer s (ii) proven record of teaching experien (iii) a good command of English.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching an IT course within the University core requirement for all un (b) designing e- and (c) assisting in administrative assignments.
The appointee is expected to commence work around July 2015, in preparation for the start of teaching in September 2015.
10. Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer & Physical Education (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a Master degree in physical educati (ii) relevant experience in teaching and coaching at U and (iii) knowledge of Chinese and English.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) teaching physical education courses for undergraduates including international students (activities may include tennis, badminton, physical conditioning, basketball, volleyball, track & field, swimming, handball, soccer, table tennis, squash), as well as courses i (b) undertaking coaching during term ti and (c) assisting in organizing sports activities and in administrative duties related to physical education. It is expected that one male teacher and one female teacher will be appointed.
The appointee is expected to commence work at early July 2015, in
11. Post-Doc Researchers , Economics, Finance and Accounting (Ref.)
The&School&of&Management&and Economics (SME) at&Chinese&University&of&Hong Kong&(Shenzhen) is launching a post-doc research program in Chinese economy and financial system. This program aims to foster researches on all issues related to the development of Chinese economy and financial system.
Post-doc researchers in the program are expected to work with the program's senior professor team comprising CUHK faculty from both Shenzhen and Hong Kong campuses, such as Wei Xiong, Jianfeng Yu, Kalok Chan, Joseph Fan, Michael Song, TJ Wong, Junsen Zhang, and Tianyu Zhang, as well as other senior professors across the world invited by CUHK (Shenzhen) to participate in the program. The program will offer opportunities to analyze unique research data from financial institutions, exchanges and government agencies in Shenzhen area. Selected post-doc researchers may also have the opportunity to spend a fraction of their time to do research in&Princeton&University.
The program is looking for applicants with the following qualification: 1) a recent PhD degree in related fields, such as economics, finance, 2) a strong research interest in analyzing Chinese economy
3) excellent skills in independent research, especially i 4) familiarity with Chinese research data.
The main responsibility of a post-doc researcher in the program is to work on research projects of mutual interests to him/her and the designated supervisor. The program may also consider applications from advanced PhD students in the final year of completing their dissertation. Junior faculty with flexibility to stay in Shenzhen may also apply.
The program will offer an allowance, commensurate with qualification and experience, to cover living expense and other costs in Shenzhen.
Application Procedure
Please send full curriculum vitae together with copies of qualification documents and three reference letters by email to&
Consideration of applications/nominations will continue until the post is filled.
12. Associate Dean, Graduate Programme (Ref.)
A potential candidate for the Associate Dean position should have an outstanding academic credential for fully appreciating the academic and educational developments in the relevant fields of the SME's graduate programs, demonstrate capability of management and administration in higher education institutions, and possess long-term vision for the graduate program developments and excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
The Associate Dean will be a member of the CUHK (Shenzhen)&School&of&Management&and Economics senior management team, reporting to the Dean of the SME. As the head of the SME graduate programs, the Associate Dean will provide academic leadership in terms of both graduate program development and recruitment of high caliber academic/non-academic staff of the programs.
13. Professor /Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Accounting (Ref.)
The&School&of&Management&and Economics at The Chinese University of&Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK(SZ)) is seeking applicants for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at any level: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. Candidates with backgrounds in all areas of accounting are invited to apply.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (when reporting duty) in A and (ii) high potential in teaching and research.
Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership. Appointment with tenure can be offered to candidates with outstanding research and teaching record.
The&School&of&Management&and Economics at The Chinese University of&Hong Kong, Shenzhen invites applicants for tenured/tenure-track positions to begin fall 2016. Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (by the time of reporting duty) in Operations Management or related fields and (ii) high potential in teaching and research. Senior applicants for Associate and Full Professor positions are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership and strong commitment to the highest standard of excellence.
We welcome applications from individuals with research interests in the broad domains of supply chain and operations management. The likely teaching responsibilities also involve supply chain and operations management. Teaching requirements may include undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level classes.
Applicants should submit a full curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations and a publication list by email to hr-1@. Faculty will be available to meet with candidates at the INFORMS applicants not attending INFORMS will also be considered. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by October 18, 2015, however the search will continue until the positions are filled.
The&School&of&Management&and Economics at The Chinese University of&Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK(SZ)) is seeking applicants for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at any level: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. Candidates with backgrounds in all areas of economics and finance are invited to apply.
Junior applicants should have (i) a PhD degree (when reporting duty) in Economics or F and (ii) high potential in teaching and research.
Candidates for Associate and Full Professor posts are expected to have demonstrated academic leadership. Appointment with tenure can be offered to candidates with outstanding research and teaching record.
The applicant should have (i) a Bachelor degree, preferably a higher degree in ECONOMICS; (ii) good teaching,
(iii) fluent English, both in written and spoken E (iii) the ability of working independently, as well as the (iv) knowledge of Stata/Matlab/SAS is preferable and willingness to take up extra responsibilities.
Duties include (a) providing research assistance to professors, including collecting dat (b) replicating research papers assign (c) assisting in tutorials for u (d) preparation of teaching materials/ (e) student consultation/supervision and coordinating student (f) undertaking other assignment assigned by the supervisor.
In general, we expect 50% work related to research assistance and 50% related to teaching assistance. The potential benefits of research assistance include research experience, opportunity to learn from experienced faculty members, and the possibility of starting collaborative work with faculty members. All of these are highly beneficial to those who desire to pursue PhD studies in the future.
17. Teaching Assistant - Mathmatics (Ref.)
The applicant should have (i) a Bachelor degree, preferably a higher degree in Science/Engineering, (ii) good teaching and communication skills, (iii) fluent English both i (iv) good physic (v) Spirit of team work, as well as ability of working indepen and (vi) and be willing to take up extra responsibilities.
Duties include (a) Giving tutorials in the area of M (b) Preparation of teaching materials/ (c) Gra (d) Coordinating student (e) Undertaking other work assigned by the supervisor.
The applicant should have (i) a Bachelor degree, preferably a higher degree in Science/Engineering, (ii) good experience in programming (experience in Python will be at higher preference), (iii) good teaching and communication skills, (iv) fluent English both i (v) good physic (vi) spirit of team work, as well as ability of working indepen and (vii) and be willing to take up extra responsibilities.
Duties include (a) Giving tutorials and monitoring (b) Preparation of teaching materials/ (c) Grading the assignments
(d) Coordinating student (e) Undertaking other work assigned by the supervisor.
he applicant should have (i) a Bachelor degree, preferably a higher degree in Science/Engineering, (ii) good teaching and communication skills, (iii) fluent English both i (iv) good physic (v) Spirit of team work, as well as ability of working indepen and (vi) and be willing to take up extra responsibilities.
Duties include (a) Giving tutorials in the area of S (b) Preparation of teaching materials/ (c) Gra (d) Coordinating student (e) Undertaking other work assigned by the supervisor.
教学助理 - 中文 Teaching Assistant - Chinese (Ref.)
Applicants should have (i) a Master degree in major of Chinese lan (ii) good Chinese, especially (iii) IT (iv) ability to work independently, with spirit of team work.
The appointee will be responsible for (a) assisting in preparation of teaching materials/ (b) supporting student consultation and supervising student helpers' (c) coordinating (d) undertaking other work assigned by the supervisor.
The appointee is expected to commence work in December 2015.
The application procedure is as below:
1. For &Assistant/Technical Supporting Posts&, please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to&.
2. For &Management/Professional Posts&, please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to&.
3. For &Academic/Teaching Posts&, please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online ) together with copies of qualification documents, a publication list and/or selected abstracts and recent teaching-related information such as teaching evaluations by email to&. At least three reference letters should be sent by individual referees directly to&&with the email subject as &Reference & Job title & Full name of applicant&高校人才网&.
Thank you very much for your interest in working for CUHK(SZ)!&
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原来不是寒暑假都放 !!!T 周末要加班么?能正常下班么?培训假是要去培训呢 还是爱干啥干啥?
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工资水平怎样 ?这算是民营性质的学校吧
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难怪老是招人。有朋友在香港城市大学深圳 也是这样 特惨


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