
英语翻译承载梦想/放飞希望 凝聚力量/奔向未来 这句话如何翻译成英文,才更具美感?
carry your dream to make a good wish collect all your power running to the wonder future.
最好还是留中文地址,因为本人就曾经发生过从德国邮到国内的包裹丢失的事件,“山西省太原市晋源区古城营村”的英文翻译是GuChengYing Village JinYan area TaiYuan City ShanXi Province
如果你确定那个村的名字是"古城营"那么就是Guchengyin Village如果不是就是Guchengyincun
范例:Yangcun Village
(阳村)Guangmingcun Village(光明村), Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 所以:古城营村翻译 为: Guchengyingcun Village
The ancient city of village
扫描下载二维码英语作文翻译:I have a dream我有一个梦想_英文写作翻译_无忧考网
英语作文翻译:I have a dream我有一个梦想
★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文翻译:I have a dream我有一个梦想》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。I have a dream I'm looking for a weekend. It's happy and it's free. This is my dream.At this weekend, I don't hav I don't h Olympic Maths Handwriting doesn't bother me.I can play and I I can do everything interesting. No one can stop me.Oh, what a happy weekend! But, it's only my dream. I hope it will come true.我有一个梦想我在找一个周末.这是快乐的,这是免费的.这是我的梦想.在这个周末,我没有小提琴;我不需要画;奥林匹克数学是远离我;笔迹不打扰我.我可以玩,我可以唱;我可以做任何有趣的.没有人能阻止我.哦,这是一个快乐的周末!但是,这只是我的梦.我希望它会成真.
无忧考网移动版 m.51test.net世间只有两个悲剧.一个是得不到自己想要的东西,另一个是得到自己想要的东西.(英)王尔德.这句话是啥意思
  我喜欢王尔德很久了,并且大学里也有过你问的这两个的问题的疑问,所以我查了很多资料,这些算都我自己的一些总结吧.  王尔德的思想是以唯美主义为主的,他的唯美主义里充满了颓废色彩,所以他的言论里自然也有这种色彩,并且从古希腊开始外国文学就以悲剧为美,像什么悲喜剧啊,喜剧啊什么的在他们认为都是低俗的,基督教文化中也是这种色彩,认为人都是有“原罪”的,两希文化极大的影响了西方文学,这对王尔德这样的人来说也是必然的.所以王尔德也说过,“悲剧是最美的”“不圆熟,即完美”.  至于这句话的意思,我觉得是王尔德唯美思想的一个中心,得不到你想要的当然这是最不爽的,但是一旦得到了,你又会有别的欲望,你最终不可能得到你想要的所有.我建议你可以去看看他的小说《道连格雷的画像》也许就会明白他的这句话了.在拿他自己来说,在他的《自深深处》他说过,他曾经有最伟大的名誉,并且有财富有地位也有他自己以为很美好爱情,但是他将自己沉沦其中,于是他的一切便滞后了,他的享乐让他不可自拔,于是最后变得身败名裂,一名不值.  那个,这就是我对这句话的理解,不知道能不能帮到你.其实王尔德真的是个很传奇的人,我每次看他的文字,尤其是他的童话的时候,我都会为王尔德觉得不平.为什么有着如此美丽文字的人最后要有一个那样不公的命运.LZ,希望以后还能有机会和你一起谈谈王尔德哈……嘿嘿
1.A child of my neighbor was sicked few days ago.The mother was worried and quickly sent him to a clinic.After seeing the doctor,the boy was given some medicine
司马相如的《子虚赋》和《上林赋》气势磅礴,和汉武帝时期积极对外扩张的政治军事策略遥相呼应;杜甫的诗歌则表现了安史之乱时期社会的动荡不安与民众的疾苦;《三国演义》《水浒传》《西游记》《三言两拍》《金瓶梅》则表现了宋朝中后期,商业发展对封建文化的质疑与冲击!清朝末期,《红楼梦》世人皆读! 再问: 再谈谈对一个时代的优秀文学
当然是继续追啊 人家是要看你表现 再问: 以后我该怎么做 再答: 意思就是 让你继续追 总不能你表白就答应你了 着不是太容易了 再说还要看你表现 让她觉得你是真喜欢她 她是女孩子总会矜持下 (那女生应该对你也是有好感的,要不然早拒绝你了)再问: 也是 可以说的再具体一点吗 比如每天要怎么做…… 再答: 要定时发信息关心
这个一般来说的话说成it says或者it reads
I have a dream that you can live a happy life every day,so that I can do everytheing.
Ther are two kind of poeple in the world.One is happy pigs,the other is painful human beings.It's better to be happy pigs than to be human beings.
这是对少年时闰土的外貌和动作的描写,能看出他是一个聪明 勇敢 能干的少年,也是与后文相呼应,强调了少年闰土在“我”脑海中的深刻印象.
不对.图上面积与实际面积比应该是比例尺的平方,也就是1:10000. 再答: 请采纳~O(∩_∩)O
As a singer, her success with her talent and family background has a lot
An opening speechmade by Kexian Dong at the opening ceremony of the
2017 Yellow River ConfuciusSchool’s Summer camp with the title One
River, One Great Book, One WholeLife&
Honorable anddistinguished teachers, the students’ parents, my dear
students, good morning.
It’s truly my great honor to meet you at thepicturesque riverside
of&China’s mother river---Yellow River.
Over twenty fivecenturies ago, a great sage with the perfect
virtues, namely, Confucius, establisheda great school of
With all hisdedicated life power, he has interpreted and
demonstrated the essential wisdomof education , in
addition,& he hasfostered and perfected an
eternally beautiful ideal of the World of GreatHarmony.
In spite of thecountless difficulties and the unimaginable
challenges, the Chinese peoplestill stands firmly on the east of
the world.
Today, all of us,coming from all parts of the world, are just
standing before the statue of thesage.
If Confucius hasnever come, the world would remain uncivilized and
unenlightened forever.
Confucius hasbrought hope and light to all the people in the world
who are still struggling& in the sea of
bitterness, feeling hopelessand& sinking into the
unlimited humandesires.
But more thantwenty five centuries later, we must still face the
tragic fact that we arestill living in the painful confusions and
we are still feeling the sense ofbeing
More than twentyfive centuries later, in spite of the fact that we
are becoming increasinglywealthy as a result of the rapid
development of the modern science andtechnology, we are actually
losing our originally pure and sincere home ofheart.
More than twentyfive centuries later, we have actually been
degenerated into the culturallyhomeless wandering
ghosts&& , due to thelack of the
solid and sound philosophical spirit of Chinese culture,
More than twentyfive centuries later, the natural home of our
motherland has also beencontaminated, with the green mountains
,clean rivers and worst of all, ourhearts, having been seriously
More than twentyfive centuries later,mankind, as a whole, has been
put in thetrap of the insatiable material desires. As Mencius puts
it, when all thepeople are just pursuing the wealth and fame, the
country will beendangered.&&
The root reason ofall the above-mentioned terrible consequences
lies in the failure of thecurrent education.
Something is wrongwith the current education.
Not only theChinese education , but also the education of the whole
world has beenseriously& wrong.&
Mankind has been put at the crossroad of tobe or not to be. We must
make the wise decision about how to make the educationget back on
track. Just like Lao Tzu put it, without knowing the great Way,
theblind actions will lead to disasters.
All of us willwitness the historical fact that I will restate my
opinion to the Chineseeducational& circle.
It’s well-known tous all that it takes mankind almost millions of
years to elevate his minds fromthe unenlightened minds to the
highly civilized one.
Axial Age, or the "pivotal age" , is an important age of
thephilosophical history, characterizing the period of ancient
history from aboutthe 8th to the 3rd century BC.
During thisimportant age, new ways of thinking appeared in Persia,
India, China and theGreco-Roman world in religion and philosophy,
in a striking paralleldevelopment, without any obvious direct
cultural contact between all of theparticipating Eurasian cultures,
respectively producing the tremendously influentialcultural
During this age, a number of key thinkers, such asConfucius,
Mencius, Socrates, Lao-Tse,&
Muhammad,and&& Buddha have been
identified &as the great thinkers who have
&had a profound influence on futurephilosophies
and religions. Respectively, they have created Confucianism
,Taoism, &Buddhism and the western
philosophicalsystem, which have always blessed and helped mankind
flourish from onegeneration to another.
Unfortunately, as a consequence of John Dewey’s pragmatism or the
so-called theoryof& ”school itself is asocial
institution”, the basic educational thoughts of thewhole world have
been overshadowed and negatively affected.
To design theeducational methods and contents based on the
so-called child-centered theorycan lead to the children’s missing
the most precious period of memorizing andthe most sensitive period
of the language learning.
By following JohnDewey’s theory, the children can only learn what
they can understandmechanically, but know little or are even
ignorant of the highly civilizedcultures and the highest
Because of& the lack of the children’s Classical
Chinesereading ability, they can not understand the truly great
books handed from ourancestors, which contain the most important
wisdom about how we shall live ourlife meaningfully, causing the
children to be shallow-minded and vulgar for alltheir life.
Without readingmankind’s truly great books or the classical books,
the education will turn outto be a failure and the culture will be
on the decline.
Without readingmankind’s truly great books or the classical books,
the morality of mankindwill decline and become corrupted.
Without readingmankind’s truly great books or the classical books,
there will be no fundamental& difference between
animals and human beings. Consequently,mankind will also be lost
and puzzled about where to go hopefully.
Luckily, anincreasing number of modern people have realized the
serous problems concerningeducation. Therefore, they begin to
reflect and examine the essence ofeducation. They strive to find
the wise way to get out of the crisis of moderneducation, even
though they have experienced countless difficulties and
Even more fortunately,professor Wang Caigui, who has been publicly
know as the Modern Confucius, hasconstructed a systematic theory of
the Children’s reading classics, which willdefinitely help us to
solve the fundamental problems of modern education. Overthe past
two decades, his theory has been&successfully
promoted and popularized to almost all over China and evento some
parts of the whole world, creating countless educational
Even more luckily,all of you, my distinguished friends and my dear
students will experience andwitness one of the miracles, namely ,
the legend of the Yellow River ConfuciusSchool of Children’s
Reading Classics.&&
But still, I amclearly aware of the fact that it takes a long time
to change the deeply-rootedincorrect educational methods.
I am also fullyaware of the fact that we will be doubted , bitterly
criticized , laughed atand even attacked by the so-called
mainstream educational circle or some of thepeople who pay too much
attention to the utilitarian ideas of education.
I am even moreclearly aware of the fact that this road to the
revival of the classicaleducation is long and hard, great but
lonely, tremendously difficult butamazingly hopeful .
But, we will never we will never just follow
we will never be
we we will never
We will alwaysstick to the road of pursuing the educational truth
while, at the same time,remain tolerant of other educational ideas,
as long as they are meaningful.
Always look to thestarry sky and always maintain the down-to-earth
Always striveforward and always keep the indomitable educational
Always be kind andtolerant and always wait patiently for the spring
of the revival of thetraditional classics-reading education.
We strongly andfirmly believe that ”We will mount a long wind some
day andbreak the heavy waves
And set our cloudysail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.
Whatever happens,we will always bear in mind the fact that
education is a one-hundred-year andeven one-thousand-
year& undertaking thatrequires us to dedicate our
whole life to doing it well. We have nothing tooffer but our blood,
tears, toil and sweat.&
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the modern education isstill not aiming at cultivating the whole
person with both the virtues andabilities.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the Chinese LanguageEducation still depends on the Vernacular
Chinese textbooks but not the reallyimportant classical books such
as Confucian Analects.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the mathematicseducation does not follow the&
humanbeings cognitive development laws and remain to be so hard
that it is beyondthe children’s understanding ability.
We will nevercease ourendeavor.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the children are justcrazy about listening to the decadent music
and are still addicted to playingall kinds of computer games.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the majority of thepeople are still living in the selfish world
and are just crazily pursuing thehedonism or just the material
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the Chinese people arestill just celebrating the western
holidays such as Christmas,Easter,Christmas Eve, SaintValentine's
Day, but forget to celebrate the birthday of Confucius .
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the Chinese people cannot unshackle the
&spiritual bondage ofthe Western spiritual
We will never stopour efforts.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as the world’s educationdoes not aim at fully develop the human
nature and& can not involve the whole wisdom
originatingfrom both the theoretical reason and the practical
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as there are still theendless conflicts and clashes between the
countries, races, religions. We willnever be satisfied and we will
continue to work hard as long as there are stillwars in the world
and different peoples can not coexist in peace.
We will never besatisfied and we will continue to work hard as long
as there are still childrencrying in tears because of the racial
discrimination or the starvingconditions. We will never be
satisfied and we will continue to work hard as longas there are
still many people who cry in tears because of the helplessness
andhopelessness resulting from their losing the most important
relatives due tothe wars.
No, we are notsatisfied and we will never be satisfied unless the
education of the worldcomes back on track and every one of us is
determined to pursue the great Wayand is fond of learning. We will
never be satisfied and we will continue towork hard unless
everybody can live and work in peace and contentment.
My dear friendsand all the students’ parents with the true wisdom,
my dear students,& right here and right now, let’s
be united andbegin to put this great educational wisdom into
practice and begin to read theclassics aloud so that we can
rekindle&the light of wisdom.
Your presence herehas made me feel deeply touched and truly happy.
I have always had a dream thatis deeply rooted into the common
dream of the whole world and the eternal dreamof all the ancient
sages. Today, I sincerely hope that all of us who arepresent here
can share this sacred dream.
I have a dream thatone day all the parents, whether they are from
China or from all over theworld, will never worry about the
children’s educational problems and willnever regret over the
children’s not being able to get the sound and
I have a dream thatone day the classics-reading education can go
into all the educationalinstitutions or the formal schools so that
all the teachers can focus on theessence of education and all the
children can be liberated from the heavyburden of the exams and
concentrate on reading the truly great books.
I have a dream thatone day all the children can be like what
Mencius said: Neither riches norho neither
poverty nor humbleness can make him
neither threats nor forces can subdue him.
I have a dream thatone day all the children can make up their minds
to be morally perfect sages.
I have a dream thatone day every intellectual can broaden their
minds and aim high, just like thegiant birds described
in& Chuang Tzu,flying high in the sky with the
unlimited heaven as their great background.
I have a dream thatone day Wenli Academy, which shoulders the
sacred responsibility& of reviving the traditions
of the classicaleducation,&& can
be successfully builtand there will be more similar academies like
Wenli in the future.
I have a dreamtoday.
I have a dream thatone day every realistic and humble life can be
elevated to a high horizon sothat they can pursue the truly
meaningful life and become who they truly are.
I have a dreamthat one day all the people from all parts of the
world can respect each other, help each other, support each other
and love each other, as if they were inthe same big global
I have a dream thatone day all the rivers can be clean again and
the sky can be blue again. I havea dream that one day the whole
world can be restored to be the harmonious hometo all living things
and all the people can live in harmony with each other.
&I have a dream today.
I have a dreamthat one day the voice of reading classics can be
spread to the whole Shandongprovince and even to the whole world. I
have a dream that one day the voice ofreading classics can be
heard& from everyvillage and every hamlet, from
every town and every city, from every people andevery country.
I have a dreamthat one day the voice of reading classics can be
heard throughout all ages andfrom every corner of the whole
I have a dreamthat one day all the human beings in the world can be
morally independent andwhole so that all of them can be the best of
themselves by constantlyenlightening the inner virtues within their
hearts, just as Confucius put it, “ My studies lie low, and my
penetration rises high.”Our life can be complete and morally
perfect at this moment when we aredetermined to pursue the
perfectly virtuous life.
I have a dreamthat one day all of us can live the peaceful, happy,
merry, balanced anddisciplined virtuous life, being morally
connected with the whole world.
With this faithand dream, we will never be afraid of the
imperfections of the reality and wewill keep away from the
inner& confusionsor
No matter how manyups and downs we will experience, or no matter
how many difficulties andchallenges we will face, we will always
embrace our inner peace since we areliving the morally guiltless
life. Thus, while reaching the end of the journeyof life, all of us
can without any regret that our life is purely and
All theabove-mentioned dreams can be achieved because we have
returned to the greatWay of education and we have returned to the
great wisdom of sages.
I firmly believethat this dream will come true as long as all of us
can be united and striveconstantly towards our common ideal.
One thousandjourney begins with the first single step and even the
dimmest light canlighten the whole universe. You and me, just like
the tiniest drops of water,when being absorbed into the broad sea,
can eventually achieve the greatestdream of rebuilding the
eternally great cultural great wall.
Just behind us, isthe eternally yellow river that keeps on flowing
right in front of us,are the eter
within our hearts are our sacr
O love it forever.
This is the sacredpromise between you and me.
Let’s create thisgreat legend of reading classics.


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