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17:58&& 来源:外语教育网编辑整理
  导语:之交通常用语&&你知道&飞机场&用怎么说吗?来看看法语词汇之交通常用语吧,教你最实用的法语词汇。  Reflets第7课的学习重点之一就是一些关于交通工具用法。为了更好的学好各类交通工具的表达方式,以&&&&&&&&&&推荐信息&&&&&  及在各个特定交通运输场所需要使用到的一些特定用句,凯育法语总结如下各类表达方式:  1)不同交通工具的介词搭配:  Les transports   Comment voyagez-vous? Je voyage... en avion / un avion en bateau / un bateau en train / un train en car / un car en voiture / une voiture & pied 【外*语教育网编辑整理】  Comment allez-vous...? Je vais... en m&tro / le m&tro en bus / un bus en taxi / un taxi & moto / une moto & v&lo / un v&lo   2)不同交通运输场所需使用的词汇及句式   A&roport   aller chercher qn.  se renseigner  attendre & la sorti  tenir un panneau & la main  un vol  la salle d'attente  M&tro  prendre  monter  descendre  appuyer les boutons  la porte s'ouvrir  la station de m&tro / une bouche de la station de m&tro  une ligne de m&tro  Taxi  appeler un taxi  Je vous dois combien ?  Donnez moi un re&u, s.v.p. pour 36 euros.  Vous n'avez pas de monnaie, s.v.p ?  Gardez la monnaie et donnez moi un re&u pour 250 F.  3) 不同场景中的模拟对话  Voyager en train  ? ---Je voudrais un billet de seconde classe pour Rennes, s.v.p.  ---Aller simple ?  ---Non, aller-retour  ? ---Un aller pour Marseille, 1&me classe, c'est combien?  ---425 F avec r&servation  ? ---Voulez-vous une place c&t& fen&tre ou c&t& couloir?  ---C&t& fen&tre, s.v.p.  ---Alors, voiture 8, place 27. Voici votre ticket de r&servation.  Le m&tro & Paris  Le m&tro de Paris se compose de 15 lignes et comporte 366 station, dont 75 correspondances. Le m&tro transporte 4 millions de voyageurs par jour dans la r&gion parisienne. Il marche de 5h 30 du matin & une heure 30 le lendemain. Il y a en moyenne un m&tro toutes les cinq minutes 30 secondes. (5'30'')  Un ticket de m&tro co&te 5,50F. Le carnet de 10 tickets co&te 33 F. Les Parisiens pr&f&rent prendre la carte orange, c'est une carte mensuelle tr&s pratique pour tous les d&placements en m&tro et autobus.  Attention, compostez votre ticket et gardez-le pendant tout le voyage.  Les chemins de fer  R&servation : Quand on prend le train, on peut r&server sa place & l'avance. Pour le train & grande vitesse (T.G..V.), la r&servation est obligatoire, mais on peut la faire juste avant de partir.  Le T.G..V. : le T.G.V. permet de relier Paris & la province, & la vitesse de 260 km/h. Il ne co&te pas plus cher que le train ordinaire, mais il faut payer 12 F pour la r&servation.  Demander le chemin  ---Pardon, Madame. Pour aller & la Biblioth&que Nationale, s.v.p?  ---Vous y allez & pied.  ---Vous prenez d'abord le m&tro, vous descendez & l'H&tel de Ville. Ensuite, vous prenez l'autobus No. 4.   ---O& se trouve la station de m&tro? C'est loin d'ici?  ---Excusez-moi, monsieur. Y a-t-il une poste pr&s d'ici?  ---Oui, allez tout droit et prenez la premi&re rue & gauche. Ensuite, passez sous le pont, et prenez la deuxi&me rue & droite.    延伸阅读:            
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09-10-14 &匿名提问
n'est-ce pas?
请登录后再发表评论!很抱歉,因中国运输机构的安检系统升级,发出的货物在海关没有通过安检被退回,货代重新打包后已经再次发出,因此货物可能延迟到达 的翻译是:We're sorry, due to China's transport security system upgrade, issue of goods at customs did not pass the security check is returned, freight has returned after repackaging issue, so goods may delay arrival 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Sorry, due to China's transportation sector security system upgrade, the Department does not send the goods to be returned through the security check, after the freight has been re-packaged re-issue, it may delay the arrival of goods
We're sorry, due to China's transport security system upgrade, issue of goods at customs did not pass the security check is returned, freight has returned after repackaging issue, so goods may delay arrival
We're sorry, due to China's transport security system upgrade, issue of goods at customs did not pass the security check is returned, freight has returned after repackaging issue, so goods may delay arrival
Was sorry very much, because the China carrier examines the system to promote peacefully, the cargo which sends out has not been returned in the customs through An Jian, after the goods generation packed already once more sends out, therefore the cargo possibly retarded arrives
相关内容&a3-phase induction motor 3-phase磁感应电动机 & a帮助某人 Helps somebody & a在花钱方面,美国父母认为进入一个昂贵的自命不凡的学院没有意义。中国父母为送孩子进一个好学院可以做任何事,甚至那意味将着卖光自己的家产 Is spending the aspect, the American parents thought enters an expensive exceptional institute not to have the significance.The Chinese parents for deliver the child to enter a good institute to be possible to make any matter, even that meaning will be selling out own family property & a说话交流 Speech exchange & aThe school provides qualified personnel to offer counseling 学校提供具有资格的人员提供建议 & a我了解到了中国文化的博大精深 I understood Chinese culture broad and profound & a我工作了,你还是学生吗? I have worked, you are the student? & a原料苯的规模增加为 Raw material benzene scale increases for & aThe man is looking for Frank. 人寻找直率。 & a6. 购物不用塑料袋 6. The shopping does not use the plastic bag & a我们忽视了身边的一切 We have neglected side all & a我要飞的更高 正在翻译,请等待... & a??? ???? ??? 正在翻译,请等待...
& a做某事真高兴 Makes something to be really happy & a以“求实进取、精益求精”的精神,努力把产品和服务做到更好 By “strives for realism enterprising, strives for perfection” the spirit, diligently achieves well the product and the service & aIf you dream of him, it is simply a nightmare. 如果您梦想他,它简单地是恶梦。 & asecond mate 第二个伙伴 & a我叫李艳鸿 My name am Li Yanhong & aWaiting for the start of the game 等待比赛的开始 & a沙尘天气 Sand dust weather & a AlooF  无动于衷地 & a我童年时最好的一个朋友是张玲。现在我仍然记得她。因为我们是一辈子的好朋友。 When my childhood a best friend opens Ling.Now I still remembered her.Because we are for a lifetime good friend. & amake a decision to do sth. 做出一个决定做sth。 & a今天该我值日了 Today this I have assumed duty for the day & aOther Spatial Scientist 其他空间科学家 & aGuangxi Radio and TV Network HITVHD
互动产品通过三年的不断发展已达到1万多个小时Program storage capacity,共有四大板块。 Guangxi Radio and TV Network the HITVHD interaction product through three years unceasing development had achieved more than 10,000 hour Program storage capacity, altogether has four big tectonic plates. & aITISNOTME ITISNOTME & a教室的屋顶和墙壁可以收集太阳能 ,用来供整个学校使用 The classroom roof and the wall may collect the solar energy, uses for the entire school use & a在韩国人们第一次见面怎么做 First time meets how in the South Korean people does & a家庭关系会被搞得一团糟 The diplomatic relation can do the snafu & aWhen does that have 当做有 & a我认为正规的网恋还是值得被支持的 正在翻译,请等待...
& aexcept that the registration shall be canceled for failure to file an affidavit of continued use under section 8 of the trademark act 除了注册将被取消为了疏忽能提交持续的用途宣誓书在商标行动的第8部分之下 & a为的是去看我姐姐 For is sees my elder sister & a不是不爱了,只是心累了 Is not does not love, only was the heart tired & a他把他的一生都奉献给了中国 He all offers his life to China & aif you are not register the company you can not get the project 如果您不是记数器公司您不可能得到项目 & aI think students should be allowend to do homework with friends 我认为学生应该是allowend做家庭作业与朋友 & a也许是个子比较小吧,总被人当做小孩子. Perhaps is the stature quite is small, is always treated as by the human the child. & a你将度过你的40岁生日 正在翻译,请等待...
& a世上所有的东西都有两面性 正在翻译,请等待...
& aF. Taboos in gender F. 禁忌在性别 & aIt was evening that we reached the mountain village 它平衡我们到达了山村庄 & aA host family is sent students by school or college and their homes are regularly inspected by the accommodation staff. If a home is below the required standard, the family is removed from the school’s accommodation list. Apart from this, the host family is obliged to follow certain rules, as laid down by the school 学校送主人家学生或学院和他们的家由适应职员通常检查。 如果家在必需的标准之下,家庭从学校的适应名单被去除。 除此之外,主人家被迫使遵循某些规则,如由学校放下 & awill protect you 将保护您 & areminded
15:20 , the
manager set out for the airport in
hurry 提醒不 错过飞行在15:20,为机场急忙开始的经理 & a最大的满足
是你给的在乎 Biggest satisfying is you gives cares about & aDo you know Bill
Jones? 您是否认识比尔?琼斯? & athe first printed newspaper in American came out in 第一张打印的报纸在美国人出来了在 & a我大声说,你小声说 I said loudly that, you said low voice & a经济全球化拉大了世界上的贫富差距 The economical globalization has enlarged in the world gap between rich and poor & aYou don't take pity on myself, who treasure, not self, who saved you! 您在我自己,不采取哀怜珍惜,不是自已,保存您! & acan we speak onmic now 可以我们讲onmic现在 & aScenarios should be based around those drivers (normally the top two) which are most important and most uncertain. 应该在是最重要和最不定的那些司机(通常名列前茅二)附近基于情景。 & a另外一方面,上海的物价太高,学生很难承受 On the one hand moreover, Shanghai's price too is high, the student is very difficult to withstand & a有一些消息 Has some news & a很抱歉,因中国运输机构的安检系统升级,发出的货物在海关没有通过安检被退回,货代重新打包后已经再次发出,因此货物可能延迟到达 Was sorry very much, because the China carrier examines the system to promote peacefully, the cargo which sends out has not been returned in the customs through An Jian, after the goods generation packed already once more sends out, therefore the cargo possibly retarded arrives &


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